Fight For All You Want to Have ( This Story was Inspired by some picutres from Black_Fury)
noctowl said smiling. at noctowl's words, all the villagers began a standing ovation and both pairs were directed to the showers. once there, both males walked in while the females waited outside.
Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (6)
I´m here to congratulate you for what you´d done and i wanted to give you this. " the noctowl morph handled martin an envelope. " what is this?" martin asked. " it´s an invitation for a special club. " said the noctowl morph. " a special club?"
Journies of Martha, Tea Time!
noctowl i choose you!" white light cascaded out of the pokeball. as noctowl appeared, staravia disappeared in a burst of red light. "noct owl." the owl like pokémon said. "interesting. noctowl what are you like?" martha muttered.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 32 and Union Cave
"noctowl has been registered to your pokedex. noctowl the owl pokemon a normal and flying type. if it flips its head upside down, its a sign its engaged in very complex thinking."
Terin x Cation
Neither of them had much time to catch their breath before the old noctowl came flying down between the two, raising his left wing to draw attention to terin.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Cianwood City
"come out noctowl!" noctowl appeared curious as to what i needed. "noctowl could you fly me back to olivine city please?" noctowl agreed and allowed me to climb aboard as he took off flying across the ocean before arriving back at olivine city.
The Newbie (Vore Story)
She left the noctowl in quite a daze, shaking his head as he returned to his work. "she doesn't even know what pokemon is in there..."
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 7 - Team 76 stated, making the noctowl look at him in surprise. "woooah... you sure have a lot of faith in kyurex, don't you?" he asked. "of course..." the shiftry stood up."
It's Just a Game
I yelled for quilava to run as well as noctowl, let me fight this beast! i swear they both looked at me with a smile. i cried, and fell to my knees they didn't listen to me.
The best Birthday Present — Chapter 2 — Telling the truth and paying the price ( Reforged )
And more such things got heard from the pokémon in the room until the noctowl began to silence everyone by hypnotizing them. once they were all silent, he said to them.
The Trainer - Prologue - II - Fresh Meat
"aw, c'mon, star," said the noctowl, getting to her feet and crossing the room, "can't you see he's not comfortable doing that?"
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 2 - Falling apart
The noctowl grinned. if they only had been always so quiet during class. he scratched his head.