The Tales of Anon part four: training with Jon

The robber asked becoming nervous. "you will see." i answered. **i exert a mental pressure on the robber until the robber staggering back falls unconscious.** "jon come quickly!" i mentally shouted at jon.


The Disciplinarian

The three robbers had been caught, and they were in no shape to put up a fight or run away. "when they were all questioned about who had beaten them up like they had been, only one of the robbers could give the police any form of identification.

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Chocobo Macro Raiding Party

After dealing with the robbers and having captured some of them, both chocobos used the last of their time to recover the treasure that the robbers had in their buildings and brought them to the base.

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To Pay A Man's Respects With Blood 1 - Randy's Beef Hold-Up

As we stood up, the 2 robbers did the same with their guns above their head. the first robber, seemingly a rabbit, slid his gun towards us; however the second one quickly drew his gun again and shot cal in his left leg. a "fuck!"

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Bank Job

It was nothing but a regular day at the Morgan Golden Bank and it felt like all was well. My name is Alanna Grice and I was the Manger of the bank. It seem like this day was full of problems and everyone was trying to spend money up the ass or was...

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Security Staff

'i watched you fucking those robbers' he said 'boy, talk about a gay experience, and all in one night too'. 'gay experience?' replied joe still confused. 'yeah, with those robbers' said frank wondering why joe was being so slow. 'oh, the robbers!'

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Through Fire and Flames, Part 2

Outside, everyone was with their face and hands to the floor while the masked robbers pilfered their pockets. the plan was going smoothly. "third floor's empty," one of the older robbers said via ear-piece. "acknowledged.

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The robber expects payment and as promised she did pay but she tells him to come closer, annoyed the robber walks up and he's grabbed by the woman and held in a bear-hug.

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Dragonheart Part 7

Luso forgot himself and asked for a moment the magic with which he held the robber caught. they used this chance and went off on him. he immediately jumped back and struck his hands together.

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Protein Shake - Prologue

There were only six people left in the bank: the ferret bank teller, his supervisor, a lady otter that was behind me in line, the two robbers with their faces badly covered, and myself.

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Project: A35 Ch 1

The robber yelled back. victor sped up his pursuit when he saw the robber duck around a corner. as victor came around the corner, he ran smack into a parked van. it had to be the getaway vehicle, he concluded.

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The Superfur Chronicles: Chapter One

From her position she couldn't hear the phony words on the other end of the line, but she knew what they were asking: what the robbers wanted from the police. "we want five million dollars and a jet to anywhere we want to go!

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