A Birthday poem for a friend.

It's your birthday, another year you've survived the toils of life, the stress, the pain, but also the happiness, the relief, the friendship.

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Poem #16: Life

Lying is dire love in sight determination we fight emotions we know grief the blight can it be bought instances in thought lost we crow chances been shot experience will pave compassion we crave knowledge in tow reasons to save toils



That never should stay,gone is the path, that once showed us the way.delivered unto us, has thy burden been,and still we obey, thy consious within.gone now, is the evil, that plauges us with dread,but with thy remorse, shall surely be fed.speak then, not of toil


Farmer's Boy

All of it hot, and his penis a bit moist from being tucked away inside the boy as he worked and toiled.

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>One dragon for six dragonnesses

#7 of joke for furry campfire or relax in good mood the toil of a stallion after a shipwreck, a dragon finds itself alone on an island.... with six dragonnesses.

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Tuppance: A Bang

Claws dig into the loamy, wet soil; who knew buttsex could need so much toil? teeth grasping neck, and tail lifting higher; judging from force, drake's ready to sire!

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"Beasts of Burden" by Sylvan Scott

But in a land where divine providence comes with equally giant stature and dominion over the great, shaggy giants that toil on the komasaru plains, kan senses that something is wrong.

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A long night

._ _pursuing the truth, you toil endlessly._ _in dreams you've surely been there._ _ _ _yet inspiration has struck, time and again,_ _lifting us onto the shoulders of giants._ _from euclid to descartes, newton to gauss,_ _and riemann to poincare

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Heraclitan Bird-Songs

**eudaemon-sonnet** : _resurrection of the heraclitan bird_ return to earth, that brought your birth, in ash: inside your hell, and raised unwell, your singing sounds silent now - at last these notes quit ringing - ensnared, your toil within

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Overlord to Kobold

For thousands of years in the age of man, he accumulated wealth and power by steady toil. as a result, none knew of his true evil draconic nature.

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What we left

For those who remain we must toil through the chaos. we must continue to live through them. no matter what we say now we still fear death. we pray to salvation. we pray for place we can call own."

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My Awkward "Hopes and Dreams" Lyrics

Did you stop and look around you at the world surrounding, and, was there something you created with the toils of your hands?
