The Long Shot Part 1; The Squeeze
"moving on, the ground team ‘emu' will block off the road 50 meters down from the tunnel checkpoint to prevent vehicular escape.
The Old Man's Mesmer
"pardon me, sir, but perhaps we shouldn't be encouraging vehicular homicide?" he said. "...yeah, yeah. fine. he's your problem, now." "problem?" there was no answer from the gorilla.
Lost with internity
His basic and most necessary supplies included the gauss rifle, stim-pills, ammunition, food, flares, side arm, toxins, grenades, anti vehicular mine, and a one use flamer.
Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.4
Horizon considered the three points and gazed back at her hud menu, accessing the vehicular control rig system.
Contracts: Part 1
**2** _"tragedy struck the prestigious cobalt engineering firm today, as ceo shaia kinari perished in a fatal vehicular accident shortly after leaving her home.
The Phoenix Within, A(nother) Personal Nonfiction
In the meantime, all traffic, vehicular, and pedestrian, used an interim bridge. while the road part of the bridge was solid in order to handle heavy vehicles, the narrow pedestrian footpath felt shaky, and fragile.
Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War
They have a very low number of panzers relative to the other three nations since the border is so inhospitable to vehicular warfare of any sort, and the few they do have are often deployed to facilitate kantarian offensive operations and goals or to act as
love between friends 06
"oh cheer up the whole thing is already settled, he caused nearly 25,000 dollars in vehicular damage along with nearly 30 other people including me watching him attack mike and rebecca, me and your mom have talked and we have both noticed that you and
Tribal Expression, prt. 1
," the wolf yelped, worrying about the police, but thoroughly enjoying the last spurts of cum from vehicular orgasm. he couldn't even tell byron to quit.
Chapter Five
The platform then began to elevate up the side of the building, stopping every so often to let the other cars on the huge vehicular elevator off and enter the building through huge glass doors with internal roads leading into the massive glass skyscraper structures
After Armageddon Chapter 5
I push the tank to go faster and suddenly the battle changes from a deadly gunfight to a fun version of vehicular manslaughter. the enemy knows that they have lost the battle. they run and i chase them down running them down with my tank.
Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.3
She tried to focus on "augs" and found the word expand in her view then, open a sub-menu that listed a series of strange devices: bci, super-myoglobin, absorptive collagens, reflex myelination, vehicular control rig, nitan reinforcement, leukosynths...