Chapter 7 Town under attack
The interceptors speed was still increasing it reached two hundred; it screamed past the vigilantes some of the vigilantes fired, but missed. "holy, shit!"
Proxy Moron
The villains sigh and shake their head as they raise a glass of bora cola to ironically salute the vigilantes as they watch them go through their paces.
The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 11
"how would you rate our vigilante's sharp-shooter skill?" asked bogo. "good enough to compete professionally," briarpaw replied. the chief quickly typed in some information.
The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 7
vigilante's like their anonymity." fangmeyer raised a paw.
The Adventures of the Black Cat
The gray beast stretched the damage spandex to uncover the vigilante's rear.
chapter2 Betrayed
Valiena calmly "idon't trust him he one of the vigilantes!" a female voice said in hate. "i m not one of them any more, they tried to kill me!" he said yelled. "ha! once a vigilante always a vigilante" she said in disgust.
Sly Intentions - September Rule 34 Story #2 (Teaser)
"nevermind... so we're here to deliver our own vigilante justice.
Moonlight Sonata (reloaded))
Since this also tells a story I'd figure I'd upload it as a story on top of being a journal entry, also contains bad language and adult situations, so readers beware of prying eyes that might be too young for stories like this. Midnight rolls...
The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 12
Officer Hopps straightened the lapels of her dark-blue, casual business suit before climbing the two tiers of steps leading into the first floor martial arts dojo. The foyer opened into a narrow hall which in turn led to four larger rooms, each...
chater 4 Family ites
"but the vigilantes stop them, twice, the last war ended in two thousand." she said finishing his story." she said before chowing down on her meal. "are you friends with the vigilantes." lucas asked and was surprised by her response.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 76: Embracing Demons Part I
#76 of counter earth chronicles: fallen empire last chapter: alex, lady barq and lady ursa conducted their care clinic with kala and her vigilantes providing security.
CBS - Red Knight
She had been one back in high school, but had fallen in love with the idea of vigilantism thanks to another vigilante, the knight of lead.