Gateway: The Vice (9)

All that was left now was for humphrey to finish the final step of garock's plan. and he made sure that it was an easy step for him to complete. find the enemy gateway, and destroy it.

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All Tooned Up

I have something i think you'll like..." the wolf says in a humphrey bogart voice. you feel a little trepidation and look around, but shrug. you're already in trouble for being in toon town without a permit. why not go for broke?

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Alpha & Omega - Alpha Night

Before everything got resolved humphrey and kate had been on an adventure of sorts. the two had made new friends, two birds who spend their time playing gof.

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The Point of No Return (Part 1)

Tough guy and resulted in my trip to humphrey's office, _and_ my ban from ever teaching him again, you've effectively fucked him over; _great_ job, you retard! "i..."

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Booming Thunder

The only one i truly have bonded with is humphrey." _not true, my dear, you have bonded with me._ melissa floated over to them from the fire with a plate of her own.

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humphrey, in one of the ship's breeding parties, had gone to whatever random snow rabbit's quarters. to do his thing. seurat was probably in sickbay. doing hers. so ... "i forgot it was lunch." mouthing her cheek. his mouse-tail waver-waved.

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Omnipocalypse: Reign of Rats, Chapter 1

\>\>\>error\_flynn: it's what humphrey bogart's character used as a term to refer to the maltese falcon in the movie of the same name. \>\>\>animeionnaise: you and your old movies. just say macguffin like everybody else.

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A Tale of Two Kobolds, Chapter 2

"ah, humphrey, the duke said, this bag contains a gift from my good friend magistar melchet, it is a kobold of some kind. take it to the menagerie and find a cage for it, will you? there's a good fellow."

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I mean ... if humphrey had come through the door," she said, of one of the other male snow rabbits on the ship, "i would've jumped him just as easily." pause. "actually, uh ... peyton jumped me. uh ... but it just happened to be the captain.

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The Curse of the Yellow Monkey - Chapter 3 - Playing With Fire

Lately that mouth has been that of okra humphrey, who has raved about them on her television show and on her website. the spas offer the usual array of 'healthy' treatments, but they do imply one additional service."

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P3-N15 the otherworldly epidemic

Doctor elliot humphrey looked on with glee while ross and dustin looked on with pure horror.

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