zen (teaser chapter)

I looked over in the corner and saw the labeled barrel saying "zen apula's blood" they had drained all my blood out, at that site i thought it the time to pass out again, and have nightmares about this for the rest of my life.

Revenge Is Best Served With Nuts

Too bad that you are going to die right here, bleeding out and losing your bits, and not sitting on the sidelines watching my friend and i take down horatio. tell the devil i sent you to him."

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Plants, plants and more plants.

Once they attach, they draw blood out of the victim. the flowers become a darker red the more blood they drink, but it appears they die if they don't get any after a while. the vampire flowers cluster in groups to ambush unsuspecting creatures."

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep16

She had never seen this much spilled blood in her life; she was actually stunned she was able to stomach it and hold her poise, but antonio was bleeding out with each second and she didn't have time for wavering.

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Changed Forever 2

To much blood i could feel it running down around my toes, the pounding of my hart quickly pumping life giving blood out of my body through the gaping wound. "o god i'm going to die!" "now what good would you be then?..."

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His Brother's Heat

You're throwing your own flesh and blood out on the street for some bitch? you and martha should talk shop since you both know how to fuck me." he stormed out, pushing his brother aside.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 33

He could see a severed vein splurt blood out of the wound in little pulses, strong and weak, strong and weak, like water poured from a thin-necked ewer. and then wardo's face was there, bent down and slanted at an angle, staring at him with a wide grin.

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Icebound - Chapter 16

It took another half dozen arrows before the bear collapsed, bleeding out from the near dozen arrows he'd fired. hauling the bear's carcass up the mountain was one of the most tedious things he'd ever had to do.

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Other Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking

The sun was slowly dying for the night, bleeding out shot right through by the moon soon to come. the puma that the snow leopard was coming up on certainly fit the type for the land.

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Heritage of Ash Chapter 7: Blood and smoke at Sea

Heh, what kind of mother beats on her own flesh and blood out of the blue like that? "sweet and loving" my tail, ma, haha." "the kind who has a lazy rascal like you for a son, that's what.

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410 Tales Of The Cat Queen

out yet.. well, enough was enough.

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OC: Hadei O

Hadei heard the shot and grabbed her glaive, finding her husband bleeding out while his assailant hovered over him, about to finish min off.

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