Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 3 - The Girl (Revised Edition)

At the front of the temple were two huge stone doors that had not even been touched by the passage of time.

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wander ~ Chapter 2

Just like any other day at school, the best part of the day came when i found myself so engrossed in whatever it was keeping me busy that i didn't notice the passage of time... though i could do without the sudden startled jerk that came with the bell

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Tales of Airethe 12: The best laid plans of mice and men

Even after the passage of time brings her back to the edge of consciousness, she cannot be certain how long she had been asleep. all she knows is that she can barely move.

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Aaru - Chapter 3 (New Bonds)

I couldn't even use the moon to tell the passage of time, as each and every night the moon would be at its brightest. callen explained that it was because this was where luna, callen's sister and the guardian deity of the moon, was at her most powerful.

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Area51: The One That Got Away

It didn't have enough brain to understand the passage of time, in essence its mind had all the sophistication of a self-guided torpedo. there was a sensation of falling and finally the flow eased. it lay still, the thing it sought wasn't present.

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch3 - New encounters

A few times he shortly woke up, but had trouble making sense of his surroundings, as well as the passage of time. he could hear voices around him, but was too dazed to make out the words, or if he even spoke the same language.

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A Tale of Two Lives || Chapter 1 — Where Stories Begin

There was not a moment when she was able to think of anything other than making sure that her child hatched safely, and so her brain had nothing to spare for such trivial things as the passage of time or creating short-term memories.

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Ponydragon Training

The only way to mark the passage of time was with the shocks and they made the seconds crawl by excruciatingly slowly. even though she wasn't walking, it was hardly restful, the dragoness continually squirming as much as her bondage would allow.

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Riddle in the Desert story

The entrance, worn by the passage of time and buried beneath the sands, opens before the dragon's might. as it steps inside, the shadowy interior reveals secrets hidden for millennia.

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Brock Bawk

There was a jerk back to familiar reality and the passage of time, but a strange discontinuity in space. he was no longer in the kitchen. he could smell that the cake was burned slightly, but not terribly.

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A Commission A Tail of Butthuggers Part 2

The contractions started weak, slow, and over the ensuing minutes grew stronger, and more frequent, robbing verion of any sense of the passage of time outside of their onset.

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Week End (Week Off Epilogue)

That he was able to blink, to see the passage of time once again, and to be able to think clearly to make such observations. the fox couldn't help it anymore due to the spirals in his eyes.

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