My life story

When they were grown up enough they began their training as police dogs. not all dogs are smart enough for police work, my puppies on the other hand were the smartest the k9 handlers had ever seen.

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Catnundrum. Chapter One.

Samuel wish he could press charges but that would cause him to talk to police dogs which, in a way, was far worse. a canine was one thing, a canine in uniform on the other hand was on another level in and of itself.

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The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Ch:5

"when you said your family were mostly police dogs, you really weren't kidding." dawn said with surprise.

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Bite the Bullet 2

Then he opened it again and stood before the police dog. "i feel like an ass." kevin laughed as he cut through the silence. roger entered the cat's apartment slowly. "i would have acted the same way, kid."

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Maranatha - Chapter IV, as told by Q. I. Malloy

With the cash from his wallet we rented a car, but not before i poured some of the coke into a little zip-loc bag, hid it in one of the truck's seats and dusted enough of the powder around that any half-trained police dog would be barking like his dick

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A Familiar for a Familiar, The Second Hand Suit, Chapter 2

Another, and don't laugh, is police dog. we're good at sniffing out drugs or finding lost people, or bodies. in those cases the police officer we're "partnered" with are either another were, or know what we are. you see, we too perform public service."

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dog detective story...(old..lil long...srry...)

Off again we went, but this time, straight for the police headquarters, and after a less than warm welcome from the receptionist along with the other humans, we made a beeline directly for the police dogs.

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Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 30

Part 30 reintroduces cliff and beast, two police dogs from an earlier chapter, and shows whether or not tivoli's efforts bore fruit. most of part 31 is dedicated to her. i had fun writing this one. i hope you have fun reading it.

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A Talented Orator

I made a promise to sayer, to the police dog." "huh?" how did we get to this? "they arrested me last time i was in the city, put me right back in the same cell as before.

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Attachments (M/M) (pt 1 of Full Transfer)

You're a police dog!" "no, i'm not," dary said, sitting up and brushing over his ear. "i'm a security consultant. that's like a desk job. i don't even work for a public group. so... what do you want?

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Pokemon Domestic to Feral: Epilogue

With that he put action towards his words hoping the police dog wouldn't attack as he stepped past.

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The Så Ymse Special Guest

But even a fit police dog couldn't sustain such exercise, his muscles started to shake, reaching their limit, all while the string of fart kept escaping him: "blr-blr...prrblr-blr-prrblr..."

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