More than just Fast Food

Taking a left, he ended up in the slightly-too-large parking lot, that was a conjoint lot for both the mall and burger place.

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Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 6, Rick 2

"settle down, or i'm not bringing burgers next week!" james bellowed out, only for rick to look at james. "wait a minute... you mean to tell me that this is where that four dozen order of burgers, fries, and shakes goes every other month!"


Troubles of Love, part 6

Theo led him over to his car, and they drove over to the burger place for lunch. they sat down with their orders and began eating when theo said, "so, what are your plans outside of construction?

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The Domestic PigFox

He moaned, not halfway through his third cheeseburger, and he was beginning to feel the first signs of fullness.

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Closet Love Chapter 1

It happens every night: my parents kicking me out of the house, being outted at school, getting beat up in the burger king parking lot. the exact same nightmare every night. looking at the clock, i realize i had slept in.

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Cloricia vs Erik 2

They said they will name a burger after you?" "eww, a burger named cloricia." the two coyotes looked at eachother for a moment. then they laughed at the very thought of a burger with such a strange name. "are we done here?" asked cloricia.

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Dead in love part2

I quickly put the burger's on the plate and ran inside. what's wrong sif, that glass vase just went flying across the room then i heard a faint whispering next to me calling my name.  


The Rats Underground Part 2

The one we were going to had a big hamburger on top of a run down shack. the burger was obviously plastic but just looking at it made me hungry. jasper and i went inside and sat down at one of the tables. "ill be right back".

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His tail was rigid with anxiety as he started to speak to the robot, "i'd like a burger... please."

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Faggots Everywhere

Eventually, after my burger was barely a sliver and my cherry coke was gone, i saw something as i stared out of the window, near its border.

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Uprising Prologue & Chapter 1

V burgers, awesome!" javo laughed as they walked towards the door and opened it to be approached by a slim female skunk. "hello and welcome to v burgers, how many for a table?" javo looked at timmy and back again.

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