Cosmic Stars - Chapter Nineteen
The ship was sturdy enough to survive the impact, but the creepers were finding it difficult to venture far from the crash site because of the uninhabitable environment of the nuclear wasteland.
Brief encounter III
Lesser, unsatisfying meals like the chilled horseflesh the zookeepers fed him were of little interest, but he devoured it for show, and made such changes as a body makes to food before ultimately returning it to the environment.
He breathed a sigh of relief after that ordeal and that froze almost instantly- this was after all, the himalayas, the most unforgiving of environments.
Wings and Whiskers: Tangled Tail's
Luna, an anthro pegasi, works long, dreary hours in an office, longing to be free, for such a sterile environment is an anathema to her very soul... wings and whiskers: tangled tail's © cederwyn whitefurr 28th january, 2024.
The fire was doing its best to light the environment, but limitations to the creature's astounding height were too much. it hit me like a ton of bricks. four toes. those four small holes. that one big hole.
Valkyrie Deliverance - Chapter 2 - One's Own Heart
The environment was not the only thing that she had to contend with. he sword glimmered in front of her, knocked from her hand during impact. it begged her to be taken and return to her battle... her own personal war.
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"if we want to fight the idea that this isn't a work-safe environment, we can't have any accidents. understand?" there hadn't been an accident on the farm for the past five years and marble believed herself to be more than capable.
Omnimagus — Chapter 1: The Grass Is Greener Here
Raised in the frigid and isolated environment of antarctica, opal's life takes a turn as they pursue education in magick in a completely different, prestigious setting.
Life... Chapter 2
One thing that i can't complain about is the fact that we get a suitable living environment. apparently if it speaks, you should use ethics.
Great concern each time you fell and broke your young bones but each time i was there to dry your tears and help you to your feet once again change brings great pain but also equal growth and strength i watched in growing awe as you began to master your environment
22 Ghost
The simulations are amazing these days, even compared to a couple years ago. you can have any environment you can imagine. rest only if you feel like it. it's freedom in a way not even a robotic shell can match.
Platform Zero V
The cell of processing was less a welcoming environment and more akin to an interrogation room.