Signing Up for the Tour
"that's scots, not irish, and it was peregrine grimthorpe doing the stuffing, as i recall."
In My Wildest Dreams Ch. 19 Wrestling With Ethics
"I'd like to thank the County All Sports Committee for the great honor of being selected as the Master of Ceremonies for this banquet. It's been a great year for our county and we would like to acknowledge all the athletes that have made this year so...
D.E1 Chapter 21: The Planet III
**CHAPTER 21** ** ** The Planet: Part 3 Those images would prove difficult to forget. Buildings; what was left of them. For the second time in less than a couple of days we were witnesses of another intelligent civilization's creation. Hours ago...
Packed Flight
If there was anything that joseph could put to this one, it was overwhelmingly irish. green eyes, red hair, and as he walked up to the flight attendant standing at the gate it was clear that he had an irish brogue to his voice.
Sons of Sylvia Ch1
He has decided to finish his day off at the new irish bar by his house. chris noted that the bar was names molly malones. as he walled in he noticed that it was fairly full, not too big, just the way he liked it.
Facts- archie is half american, 1/4th irish 1/4th english and 1/4th russian he has a more deeper sounding voice than most guys his favorite color is navy blue his last name valor means "great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle" he is left
Short Summary Vol. 11
The soft fabric of his kimono, the scent of irish spring, the song or the storm outside your home, it was wonderful. "love you," you said softly.
Frodo 8: Harvey 2
Victor's an irish wolfhound.' harvey signalled to his assistant laura who had been sitting on the end of the front row; she disappeared out of a side door and returned a few moments later, a large irish wolfhound following her on a leash.
The Star Lancers: The Curse of Cortes Ep. 6
irish." the engineer hit the comms panel and leaned in close. "you'll get everything i can squeeze from this old reactor, but i need to say again, she won't be able to handle it. the star lance is too powerful for this ship.
A Keg of Hope Chapter 1
He says in a strong irish accent "oh just memorials" "just memorials we have so many if those we decided to even have a memorial for our enemy's and for beer" i sigh "sorry for being so low..." i stutter with a breath "s-so what brings you here?"
(Teaser) Smoke and Whimsey
Shadows stretched as the sun flirted with the horizon and smoke from the samhain fires began to spread like a large blanket through the small off-shore irish town. it was that time of year again.
The Last Human Part 23
Scrooge and flintheart danced the irish tap dance, magica and poe cheered. the kids danced and jumped up and down for joy and everyone else did the same. bentina and raito kissed each other passionately.