The Pokemon Journey -- Trouble at the Vermillion City Gym

Mike said, "hmm, we might be using all of you in the coming battle. but kelly, watch over the eevee." with that he turned to the doors and opened them and stepped into a dark room. the room was mostly dark except for minimal lighting.

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Burning Love Like a Phoenix Ch 2

Something is disrupting them, we have no way to know that, other than if we rely on our senses" answered kuchiki rukia, already seemed to be focused on the coming battle.

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Chpt 22- Power of One

We can not lose this coming battle lunar. that is something we can not stress enough." tom nodded. "i know that luna believe me." he quickly drew his crystal sword and held it out before him.

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Truth and Consequences: Chapter 6

I've had a variety of earth delicacies shipped in and we have more than enough for all of the dorzeli that are going to participate in the coming battle." feih bowed to him, "thank you chire jason.

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Kovu and Mipa: Thrill of the Hunt

Granted, the odds were in his favor for the coming battle, but only in the short run. there was a reason why there were more wildebeest than lions, after all. the scent of the herbivores was intoxicating. it made kovu giddy.

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Into the Horizon: Waiting for Dawn

He would have to kill his fellow wolves in the coming battle. he detested killing, after the war his kind began to adopt that ideal that all life was valuable.

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the Galar Chronicle - the Journey Begins [chapter 1]

That's why i want the strongest of challengers to fill the gym challenge and come battle me! my wish is for galar's trainers to work together to become the strongest in all the world! **charizard:** oh yeah!

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Destiny Intertwined, The Calm Before the Storm

He could sense that the coming battle would be horrible, but he knew it was also the final fight. scio knew he was here with the army, so he was coming himself.

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The Scent of a Lover Part 5

Now he believes that every skill he has will be needed for this coming battle and i don't blame him.

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - Dungeons & Dragons

The adventurers spread out, vaahn twirling his warhammer in anticipation of the coming battle. becci notched an arrow into her bow and scanned the room, the words of a spell perched on her lips and ready for casting.

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