donny's theme
Somehow possessing the ability of speaking the modern english language, the animal asked, 'hello young boy. is there anything i can help you with?' 'well, actually, i'm 18,' replied the man, 'and i want my identity erased.
The book of LUKE
Bow could i just sit back and watch as you butcher the english language?
OC: Eros Burask
He seems unable shake the accent his picked up to his own dismay while his engineer adytia picked up southern californian accent with quite a proficiency in the english language.
Dartmouth Part Two: Dartmouth High School
Mine seemed fine enough, except for the fact that i had been enrolled in ap english language and composition. my sister on the other hand found herself quite disappointed by the fact that she had gym later on.
More than friendship
**this is my really first attempt of writing something in english language, please be kind with me, maybe there are some spelling error and other nasty things but i apologise...english is not my native language.
Oh, College: the Pent-Up Gender Bender/Blender
What shall come soon will be a barrage of confusing and dumb-sounding pronouns because the english language is just fucked up like that, more personal issues of mine that kept me from even knowing what to write next in any of these stories
Felis Noctis (Harry Potter Fanfic) chaper 3.1
Felis Noctis (Harry Potter Fanfic) chapter 3.1 . The night was short, but still a little relaxing. Professor McGonagall remembers what happened a few hours before. Shame and doubt rise in her. "What happens to me? I'm a teacher and no ... I do not...
My 2015 FBA Draftee: Erik Kijani
They barely fit in with their neighborhood due to their difficulty with the english language, the first language they learned was swahili, but even still, dembe and nabulungi made a strong commitment to give erik a better life than their old town.
Change in Venue- February
Implying that either the wording was intentional and that there's some sort of code embedded in the note and that we're up against someone that is well educated or the person who wrote it does not have that firm a grasp of the english language, implying that
A Lion’s Tail and a Bear’s Hug: Chapter 4
God i'm such an asshole... no there aren't enough words in the english language to describe how much of a fuck up i am._ lejon thought to himself with a mixture of both sadness and anger. "bjorn, please stop crying..." the lion said quietly. "please.
An Introduction to Busou Shinki
As some of you may have guessed, busou shinki has yet to be released in the english language, and the game and any merchandise related to it can only be found in japan.
language candidates who want to read these stories in advance and report the bugs to me, i'm interested.