The Tome of Purgatory Gods and Goddesses

The fourth god is the god of war,the second strongest and most violent of the eight.

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Ripples From My Mane - Chapter 5

An ancient figure of pre-empire mythology co-opted throughout imperial history as a god of the hunt, and then used as a god of war. huh...

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He's a god, like you are... a god of war. an egyptian god of war." jago winked. ares arched an eye! "dominic is really anhur? no wonder he entices me to attack him so often.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 56: Loyalty and Betrayal

The god of war could not possibly reply to that stinging remark. killer only grinned coldly at the silence of the god, adding simply: "they told me you fear me, god of war.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 62: The battle of Kemuel

The god of war grinned in perverse, cruel glee, leaning forwards and hissing: "so it is just us. i don't care how much you value your "friend" gaia.

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Towers of Seshin: The Twelve

The serpent is the leader of the army of light and the goddess of war and tactics, seen as the most clever in the eyes of the mortals. she hates tyto with a passion, denouncing his status of an honorable warrior because of his attitude.

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Eternal Mortality: The Gods Of Osa

Scythia the mad: the goddess of war. very little is known about her, but old rumors say she was once a great queen. it's unknown why she carries her title, and no one knows who or what she favors, or what mortal form she takes.

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The Gods of the Abunese religion

**-zoson** god of war and protector of blacksmiths. zoson is known for his fierce and sometimes cruel attitude towards his enemies. he likes the scent of the blood and he is an expert blacksmith.

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Dodekatheon Pantheon

of war **aka:** mars, maris **details:** god of war, ares has a profound ability to incite murderous rage in almost anyone around him.

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Love, War, and Duty: Wolf Lord Rising

Amon decided that his son would be a soldier when he came of age, so he had him baptised at the altar of kharne, the god of war, fury, and strength.

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Wolf Moon Chapter 4

I got up and started to play god of war 3 hoping that it would help. it might even help with mythology class. i got tired around 12 o'clock. i lay on the soft, gold colored bed. my long brown hair covering my eyes making the room darker.

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