Prologue: Friendly Control
Friendly Control For flimflamfun5 By Draconicon Jerome was on a one-week vacation from analyzing government intelligence. The wolf had come near a breakdown, and had been told by his immediate superiors that he needed to take...
Sunken City
Fenryx rolls his eyes at this display even as the hive mind does the mental equivalent of yelping in pain.
\ eve giggles mentally, \
An Infestation in the Herd 4
Tags: m/f, pegging, pony, mlp, feral, parasite, mind control, ovipositor, prostate play, anal, hoof, orgasm, forced orgasm, pleasure, hive mind, tentacles, series,
Peace, Love and Understanding
Zennith caught scraps of the mental chatter echoing across the village as he meandered down the main road, having long ago stopped trying to fight the rest of the hive mind.
The Hive of Debauchery 1
Not just the one slug, but all of them, a hive mind that was under the pressure to grow and expand. hints of memories came through, bits of information that the slug allowed to pass into his mind.
Tower of Troubles: Three Heads are Better then One
This completed the former alchemists transformation from bear-skunk sorcerer and master of alchemy to just another mirror bat, feeding his intellect to the hive-mind that was augustus.
Hive Control 1
Hive Control Part 1 For FlimFlamFun5 By Draconicon It felt strange to sit at the breakfast table with a guest and not be talking. Jerome knew that there was a reason for it, but the more he tried to think about it, the more that it...
M-Preg Story: The King's Breeder
It was almost painful to even think about keeping out of the hive mind, like he was punishing his master. _he's not my master.
Hive Control 2
Hive Control Part 2 For FlimFlamFun5 By Draconicon The next morning, the phone started ringing shortly after breakfast. Saul was still deep in the command to get breakfast ready, and the sound of the ring-rings didn't get through...
The Hive of Debauchery 3
There was no doubt about that, considering the hosts had been dragged along with the slugs into the mutual hive mind. they had been sharing consciousnesses with each other, every one of them able to see and feel what the others were thinking.
Disclaimer - This story is not for people with standards, morals, or good taste. (This is a work of pornographic fiction. Please do not read if it would be illegal for you to do so.) Remembrance The chitinous floor pulses with the beat of the ship's...
How the Herd Spreads 2
Through it all, the ellyras only grew happier, almost like they were caught in a feedback loop that was trying to take over the hive mind.