The Pokemon Story: Ash vs. King Leonidas (part 1)
It was the final round of the National Unova Pokemon League. Ash was prepared to fight the champion, for he had his 8 gym badges and defeated the Elite Four. He thought the champion would be his friend Iris, but it wasn't. It was a mystery lad who had...
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 4 FInal
pokemon story - brotherhood of the sea ch. 4 final by j.c. solis pokemon is copyright © of nintendo, game freak, and the pokemon company i do not intend to infringe on copyrights, and this work is purely fanfiction.
Pokemon Story - Brave Child and the Spooky Woods Ch. 2
#3 of pokemon story mary the buneary and friends finally enter the specter woods in their search for the colburr berry they promised to get.
Pokemon Story - Brave Child and the Spooky Woods Ch. 1
#1 of pokemon story spring has now finally arrived, and a young buneary girl named mary is ready to have some fun in the sun with her friends: jenna the emolga, wyatt the wynaut, and frankie the aron.
Pokemon Story (NSFW) - Reborn as a Pokephile (Fran's Pt.1)
Poképhilia Story Love Has No Bounds Reborn as A Pokephile By J.C. Solis * * * The rainy season at last arrived in Lakeshire Town, with the people getting drenched in the downpour as water flooded the streets. Today, the...
How Pokemon Came to Earth
Another pokemon story! this one talks about the origins of pokemon. hope you liked, and please leave a comment on how i can get better!** _
Falling Stars - the Return - intro
This is a pokemon story. non anthro. enjoy it or don't, your choice. oh, and if you read this terraphage...this is what i was talking should know what i mean.
Patrat TF
This is my third story and so far my only pokemon story that i've written. as for the disclaimer, i don't own pokemon, only the story that you're reading here. everyone knows the legend of the nevermore forest around the place that jimmy lives.
Chapter 2: Reflections Before the Journey
#2 of a diffrent kind of pokemon story here is chapter 2, it is short because i didn't want to write two themes in one chapter. the next one will probably be as long as the first.
Legendary love
I know this is a pokemon story but i thought it would be good for somthing different! tell me if you like it!
One Week to Change: Prologue
Ok, i decided to post up my pokemon story too.... one reason is because it is my best piece of work... and the other reason will be mentioned when you reach the end of it... this was originally written with one idea in mind...
Moon Fox (Original Version)
#1 of moon fox this was my first gay pokemon story and (along with "wreathed in shadow and flame") was rewritten and released as "fire/dark special edition."