Bitter Darkness: The warm welcome

#1 of bitter darkness my name is gray and for the past year i have lived on a small farm not far from a peaceful fishing village in canada.

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The Male's Scent: Bitter But Not Sweet

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The room was all full of snickering, grinning bulky males as Mike; a clean arctic muscle wolf was dragged upstairs. He really wasn't the type for guy parties, but as he was being dragged, he looked around with his blue...

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Morrowind: Scales on the Bitter Coast.

The argonian woman was clad in her usual attire, the dull green shirt and pants that served as a kind of uniform, and camouflage in the swamps of the bitter coast, her sword and scabbard hanging easily on her belt as her footsteps reverberated quietly against

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Chapter 3: The Bitter Truth

While the battle raged on in Neon City, a small outpost on the edge of Neon City, remained virtually untouched by alien hands. In a small observatory tent, research was about to commence on one of the aliens. Killed by a wolf, by accident, was the...

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Dinner and Bitter Sweet Desert

Ok everyone, skipped school today so i could finally finish up this chapter 3. I know they keep getting longer : / I'm sure some people just want the short and sticky stories to get off at, but there's a storyline here I need to get out. Ok so same as...

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Bitter...Yet Refreshing! Series

Series the next part to bitter....yet refreshing! i call it, "laundry, pizza, beer. got it." tony woke to the sound of a car alarm going off outside the window, with the noise came a splitting headache. "oh, god....what time is it?"


Bitter....Yet Refreshing! Series

Series this is the second part to bitter....yet refreshing. i like to call it. "whiskey and whining" always looking for feedback~ black nails clicked on the concrete walk below him. 'god damn newspaper.

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Bitter...Yet Refreshing! Series

Series bitter....yet refreshing is a series starring tony richardson, a brown wolf as the main character. this part, which i want to dub as "cookie crumbs" is the pilot, if you would. "richardson!"

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Chapter 16: The Bitter Queen

#16 of the mating season 4 chapter 16: the bitter queen standing there looking at avi, it was very clear to kilyan that she had gone from girl to adult in the last ten years.

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Neberum: the "Bitter-Sweet" Contraceptive

The concoction is quite foul-tasting, and many have tried to create a more palatable mixture, with limited success, hence the "bitter" in "bitter-sweet."

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Bitter Tea (CW: Abortion)

The taste was bitter and felt thick on her tongue. after the first sip she set it down. her tongue rolled in her mouth trying to remove the flavour with little luck.

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A Bitter-sweet (Mostly) Rivalry

A bitter-sweet (mostly) rivalry. © tsumi moogle '11 characters © themselves. hotdog day! invariably the best - well, the only day that the cafeteria food matched a level of 'edible'.

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