The wolf's story... Silver Bullet
I barely escape with a bullet wound. then i met another mutant as i was hiding in a barn somewhere not too far from here and he told me about this place and here i am, helping the sick and the wounded."
Commission: A Bullet Named Love
Michael (c) blackknife12 elnora (c) cobra175 **a bullet named love** the twist of the knob caught the husky's attention, his ear twitched to the sound of it while the easy smile that wrapped around his lips only helped him to continue to focus down on
Maverick Hotel Part 27
Lange, while dad quietly helped the elderly rabbit in retrieving the bullet. hopefully, the devout government wouldn't provide one for each of us.
Chained Up
_Intro/Verse 1_ You think you can bring me down? Put the ball and chain on me. You love to see me suffer and fail. _Chorus_ You want to put me down and throw me down into the darkness Leave me chained up against the wall as you laugh in my...
Zhaiothe Part 5 - Tears Don't Fall (pt1 and 2)
Tears don't fall is from the bullet for my valentine songs (part 1 being from the poison, and part 2 from temper temper) honestly, this should've been broken up into 3 or 4 parts. but i really didn't feel like it for some reason. laziness maybe.
Maverick Hotel Part 28
On cue, lowell and i ducked for bullets only hitting the water in front of us, and we knelt up to fire several shots each at the arriving targets. none of us hit so much as a propeller blade.
Jared and Gnat - Part Four - Bullet
He took the bullets out of the 44. and placed it back underneath the moth-eaten sofa. so now, jared lay down on his lowly mattress, his sleep at the mercy of the harsh lightening outside and whimpered...
6: Grab a Ticket For The Bullet Train
Crawling forward a hand weakly reached out taking the pistol out of the hand of the body reading something scratched into the guns side "the bullet train."
A Rare Sight Ch. 15 - Sweatin' Bullets
A rare sight sweatin' bullets "i can't believe it! crystium! how on earth did you get your hands on it?" jade asked me while holding the bowl of crystium up to her face.
Hater's Blood Bullets ~CH1: Arena of Dispare~
**hater rolled, barely missing the line of bullets being fired towards her. she peered around the corner of the brick pile she was behind and watched the dark wolf come closer. she hid again, making sure she had bullets left in her clip.
Chapter 2 - Bullet for My (Skye's) Valentine
Alex's body reared in pain as the bullet was removed, evan restraining him, to keep the bullet from slipping anywhere else. "got it!" spencer replied, holding up the bullet triumphantly.
Project X | Chapter X: Archangel
I noticed that his gun was closer to man than it was him, so i knelt down and grabbed it, pulling the cartridge out and firing the remaining bullet into the air.