Makoto's Form List

Americium, anger, angel, antimony, april, aqua, argon, arsenic, astatine, august, aurora b: barium, bark, beauty, beryllium, berkelium, bismuth, black, blood, blue, blueberry, bohrium, bone, boron, bromine, brown c: cadmium, caesium, calcium, californium, carmel

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Love Between Friends 04

Avery said as the streetlight lit up and displayed his carmel colored fur, with his ear perked upright. "still it just surprises me how someone can seem so normal but turn out to be some much of a monster. i really hope that justin is alright."

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Remembering The Past

But jake did not return home just a lone swat kat rode home in the turbokat that night and a lone mechanic lay alone in the king size bed and cried himself to sleep as he missed the comforting warmth of carmel colored tom that used to occupy the bed along

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Aran Comes Around

"carmel," she said to her wolf plushie, "whaddya fink i should draw?" aran stifled a laugh. he enjoyed the kitten's childish behavior. "you fink i should ask the otha' woofie? that's a good 'dea!"

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The Royal Apples - Part XIII

Apple cake and carmel apple started sifting through the post. "looks like most of these are telegrams for big mac," said carmel. he paused for a moment. "why are some of them addressed to prince macintosh?" "prince?"

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Misadventures of Mavros & Carmen - High Voltage Situation

carmel nuzzles his chest, sending a faint shock through him. mavros' body tenses up for a bit, making him spurt the last bit of cum he had left in him. mavros laid down with carmen in his arms for the rest of the night.

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Kung Fu Panda vs the First Order Part 2

She also has half light brown and carmel colour wings . hi! i'm holiday :the leopard said cheerfully with a dutch accent, she was wearing a vest and black pants, similar to tigress but instead her vest is thicker and it is made out of gold.


Distant Earth CYOA part 11

carmel used to know how to stop me, i'd be ranting about something random and stupid and she'd just stroke my cheek or my arm and i'd stop." "she sounds like a special person," observed the rabbit as he felt his pulse returning to normal.

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Betting on Trains

"carmel. a jaguar of the suburban jungle," she said, shrugging. smiling. "lived a very comfortable life. but ... you know, i don't know ... i fear it's lacked true personality. i feel it's been too generic.

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Spencer's not-so-secret secret

Hot pizza, nachos, carmel popcorn and apples, and a few lollipops, as well as soda and beer.

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Grey War -part one- Chapter 3 - Edit -

He was a strongly built k9, probably a german sheppard, he had a light carmel colored coat of fur, with dark grey fur patterns around his face and muzzle, he had long black hair, that was in a pony tail style with a piece of red fabric.


The Swarm War prologue

He was a carmel colored man with black buzz cut hair and piercing brown eyes. a certain warmth seemed to emanate from them yet also strangely they seemed to hold a depth of sadness almost as if he had suffered greatly in the past.

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