RP Game: Kinetic Roulette!
Some powers are automatic wins say like for example cosmokinesis (cosmic manipulation) vs string manipulation unless a player can "contest" it. 2. if a player says "contest!"
Jafar vs. Nagasiti 4
"you didn't think that my phenomenal cosmic power was all in my muscles, did you? no, you see, i am a genie, and what does a genie do but grant wishes?" "w... what?"
My Dear Optic
Commission" for 2 friends, optic and cosmic, and it was requested by lightning wolf! hope you liked! [edit]i already talked to both optic and cosmic and both of them are ok with me using this image, it's not mine!
The Sands of Pleasure: Familiar Bearing
"s-so you say this'll get the cosmic sands off me." kaden turned, holding the finisehed mixture in one hand. "may get them off. cosmic sands can be unpredictable at times.
Meet the Guardians: The Celestial Jester
Team: cosmic gears. rank: leader. age: 60 million. height: 6'9'' weight: 400 lbs. appearance: (anthro otter form.)
The Bargain
Consiousness slowly came back to the orc. His eyes opened to darkness - no, not darkness. He could SEE through darkness. This was - this was black. Instinctively, he reached up to his face to pull away whatever was blocking his view - but his hands...
Hope like Light - Depression a Darkness
This poem expresses a view and explanation of hope and despair in a cosmic analogy, and the acceptance of their conflicted existence.
Sneak Peek - Things to Cum
The cosmic dragon beneath him held his hand up to shield himself from the next blow. though the lion, towering over, kicked it aside and against the wall, cracking its marble, and the arm's bone.
Growing Corruption
He sucked hir into his maw, turning hir around with his tongue, hir flavour intoxicating the cosmic being.
Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Background Information 4: Outside
As the name suggests, the outside is composed of the regions of space that extend outside the boundaries of the su, and is populated by beings that otherwise do not fit into the general cosmic milieu.
Afro Thunder®: Zaire Ezekiel -Back story
The ethno are a naturalistic species that live by cosmic-spiritual means and use the chambers of energy/chakras to exercise psychokinetic elemental influence over the basic natural compositions of nature around them.
[Commission] Chapter 3: Assembled story rogues camp by the fire
And she's her usual self, just as the cosmic dragon made her, fake cock and all._ -alright, little kobold. first off, the proper term is pseudo penis. second, i ain't made by some cosmic dragon.