Amber Silverblood Bonus Chapter 3: Valentine's Day 2015
So for valentine's day, here's a cover reveal!" "what the heck does that mean?" i asked, looking up. i found myself talking to an empty shopping aisle. he was gone again.
Illumanati's Diary 2
.\< i am under my covers, using the light of this padd too keep the night at bay. dinner was great... i have never eaten so much in my life. \*belch\* beef... potatoes... carrots... broccoli :p and gravy.
Its permanent
I yelp and cover my face just in time for his paw to get hit with his cum, and to my surprise a lot of it. he pants and groans in pleasure.
Behind Every Cover
Then there will be ones of growth, happiness, friends, family and goals that you will complete behind every cover is the start of something new behind every cover is a page behind every cover there is a new start behind every cover...
Back Cover Text
#13 of text - "the sacrifice for peace" trilogy this is the text that goes on the back cover of my book.
Shelled and Covered Life
As life's consumed by flames of desire I feel the tears crawl down my emotion Burning shells cov'ring soft interiors Been there for so long, knew not how to feel. Just like I took a venomous potion A potion that harms more than it can...
Hot Under the Covers
Nova climbed on top of him once he was comfortable, angling the pre covered shaft to his tail hole.
Metal covered in fur.
I open up a pocket-panel on my thigh and take out a pair of sunglasses, sneakily taking a coin out too, covering my eyes with the glasses.
Book by its Cover
DANGER! Murderous criminal is on the loose! Wanted for multiple murders. Thought to be a male raccoon, of about six foot, possibly wears glasses If you have any information, please contact local officials. Posters like this were hung up...
FlounderingAway: Cover Zero
Flounderingaway: cover zero something was clicked. a visual came up. it was a square-shaped. a red button blinking at top. before the shape was sands and roaring waters that came by at the bottom picture of the screen.
Monster Under The Cover
He was cold, of course, because he'd slept without anything covering him. he was alone because jinx was no where to be found and confused because of this.
Neyla in: Deep Cover
The shadows covered sly's features for a second and when she could see his face again he was smiling. "bound in stripes your blindfold comes off." sly cooper declared and the world wobbled.