De nuevo guerra... Capulo XIX
-buenos ds hermoso tigre susurrkuma a alex por la espalda, acaricidole su brazo. -buenos ds adorado pandita, co amaneciste hoy amor? dijo amablemente alex, mientras acariciaba la pata de kuma.
Flame's Wish
He set the ds down on the bedside table and crawled onto his bed, pulling his sheet over him, dragons rarely got cold. flame clicked off the lamp, though not before his sleepy eyes gazed at his ds. "i wish you were real."
Chapter 9 - The Coming Threat! N.D.'s Arrival!
But, he may use the rest for an army of ds dragoons, which would be the end of us.", said stanis and he looked at the rest. there was mumbling and murmuring, all focused on the matter of falcon.
The Story of Daniel - Chapter 2
It was his ds, exploding into a million pieces. the shrapnel however, seemed to just bounce off of the light and daniel remained unharmed.
Interlude 1: Nonlinearity For the Win!...I think.....
Thinking of playing a game for later, he put a few pieces down, and grabbed his ds system, as well as its charger to power it back up.
The Story of Daniel - Chapter 1
Lying there, playing his ds, daniel couldn't hear the slow crunch of boots on hard gravel coming closer to the car.
Journey to another world pt2 ch71
My body was separated from the ds and the connection that's keeping me aware was greatly weakened. in turn weakening me at the same time.'
Games list as of 5/20/2014
Phantasy star collection pokemon emerald pokemon firered pokemon ruby shining force: resurrection of the dark dragon shining soul sonic advance 2 sword of mana tales of phantasia riviera: the promised land \* \* \* nintendo ds
It's Always Sunny In Liberty City - The Gang Comes Back
Sylvr- dang it kyle, we were halfway to san andreas, did we really have to come back here just to get your nintendo ds?
Journey to another world pt3 ch92
Are you using my ds again?' 'not likely. your ds is...literally, falling apart. it's getting to dangerous to even open the thing up any more.
The Story of Daniel - Chapter 3
The only thing he could remember was his ds exploding into little pieces. this seemed to make daniel even more confused. why did his ds just...explode like that? once more, daniel refocused his thoughts on the hazy memory.
Tylers Pokemon Adventure Chapter 1
(end of flash back) after that he saved the game before shutting his ds off. once his ds was off he put it into his left pocket in his long pants. with a sigh tyler got off his chair and headed over to the window of his room.