Children of War - Prologue

I hd lived on this farm for my whole life, and i've only been to town once, just to see what it was like. my family needed me here to help out when my father was gone in town for various reasons.

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Big Mac likes the shy ones

With that, she was off to the apple family farm. big macintosh was sitting by the barnyard, scratching his head with one large hoof.

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Gryphon milk

Market had feigned upset at being left behind to supervise the farm, but the only thing that might interest him less than watchng cows was watching other people talk about cows.

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World RXS-2679

I've been talking a lot about her farm and i wanted to put down a text file that explains where and what happens at the farm. and i would really love to see people make pictures or stories of what happens at this farm.

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The storm pt 1

About an hour later we could hear the sound of the storm, the beast that inhabited the clouds, we listened to its rage and tore into the ground the house and the seed store on the other side of the farm.

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Flowers For Serath #3

Being used to hot temperatures and the routines of farming serath decided to help this otter until he recovered from his ailment. he often did these random acts of kindness and generosity.

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Feori: Farming to Theomancy (Part 1)

_master feori, _ _we have come to notice a strange power coming from your farm, an ancient force that should never have been awakened. this is a serious business.

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Where Land Meets Water - Chapter 5

He knew the bull was right, he was just a city boy getting to do farming for the first time, and the unknown was what excited him the most.

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Farm Duties

David slumped into his seat as the bus finally meandered into the station. He looked out warily, peering at the long forgotten benches covered by tattered overhangs. A sign hung from above, letters fading into obscurity with an ancient coat of...

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A Day on the Farm

It was another day on the farm, and there was never a shortage of work to be done.

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A Day On The Farm

#1 of a day on the farm kelsey's parents decide to leave the farm for a weekend, leaving her and her arcanine time to spend together. to say that kelsey was tired was an understatement.

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Farm Pumping

Once clean, the wolftaur settled down with a smile, proud and excited that he'd been useful on the farm at long last...

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