Library's Closed
Unfortunately for jay, he had been stuck again in the local library. he wasn't sure why he even took up the job.
Library Lovers
Of course, not everyone came to the library in search of knowledge or if they did, it was a very specific sort of knowledge. the carnal kind.
Library Moos
On the other side of the window to sam's right, the grass outside the bioinformatics library was being roasted to death. if sam had stayed in his dorm and not sought refuge in the library, he would've shared the grass's fate.
No Growing In The Library
"it's a public library." the fox scowled and threw up his hands. "no, it is the public library! the biggest one in the world! that seems like kind of a big deal, doesn't it? and big deals deserve a bit of drama!"
Night At the Library
His grey scales darkened, cheeks so hot that they might set his entire library afire at any moment. "no yelling in the library, remember?" she cooed. "unless you want all of jade mountain coming up here to watch us.
Blackwater Library
Since the owl wasn't here, and he'd learned the hard way that the library was much larger than outside appearances would suggest, he planted himself behind the desk.
Malakai’s Library
To the syntech university library.
Bros in the Library
Ryan also headed back to his day job at the local library. he studied hard in college and while he was ready to leave academia, especially getting away from the people, he wasn't finished learning.
Silence in the library
Not in the library, i try to say, where everyone's supposed to remain silent. not in the library - but the words never reach my throat, placated by his suffocating gaze. my tongue's as heavy as lead. "yes...?" he asks, as if to mock me.
A night in the library
From the looks of it, it was quite old; possibly older than the library. ravi shuddered at the thought of being at the library of the book. he continued his travel until he felt something wet at his paws.
The Chronicler of the Library
The great library of caelum stood as a temple of knowledge.
Library Consultation
"you're just... helping out a library patron."