Found Forgotten, 1: Prologue
The dragons retaliated with incredible unity, wiping us out with grim brutality and horrifyingly serene calculation--man for male, woman for female, child for child. one slain for every one slain. absolute justice.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Floaroma Town and Honey
At blinding speed monferno dashed towards buneary and landed a punch much too fast for buneary to even retaliate from.
Soldiers without Flaws
Exposed, the dog retaliated, kneeing the cat on his left side, making the cat ground his teeth through the sudden sting caused by the strength of his opponent.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 6
No-heart roared and retaliated with bolts of purple lightning, striking the golem head-on. the golem staggered under the blow and retaliated with a stream of water, blowing him backwards and soaking the bookshelf behind him.
Darkness and Starlight 24 - Love and Hate Collide
In retaliation, he tightened his grip on koopin's arm before viciously sending a rising knee strike straight into the upper arm.
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 34
Effie and gavin retaliated quickly- the latter's shot went wide, but effie nailed one assailant right in the eye, bringing him to his knees as he dropped his bow and clutched his face in pain.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Exploring Mauville City
Roselia released stun spore which floated towards illumise who managed to dodge but only just before retaliating with struggle bug. "counter that by using magical leaf!"
Emotional state
Livid, terrified overwhelmed brought into perspective denial, renounce remorse is it fear of retaliation that leads to secrets? reserved, secluded alone afraid to express broken, beaten ashamed is it fear of loss that leads to seclusion?
GoD-Ep12-Exploring the Dreamstalk-
They ran into a group of magic users that had retaliated against them and they had no choice to retreat. later on they retreated to the dreamworld castle and reported what had happened to the queen.
The Lead Crown, Ch 6.6 Thaddius
"it was retaliation, your highness... and, while it is a sign of strength in moderation, their lack of temperance has changed it to a crime most foul."
A Maiden's Petals
But she didn't have a chance to retaliate as the muk slipped towards her, instead someone came to her rescue with a challenging cry. suzume, a beedrill with an impish nature, was hunting the villainous muk with a heart full of valiant honor!
Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 09
"so this was a retaliation after all," alex said. "i'm afraid so, and vincent's affiliation with the seventh strings is well documented," simon said.