The Path of the Naga
You are on the beach in front of a group of vacant beach condos on stilts. they are on a small island, a sand bar of a size. the beach is behind and all around. the condos are set back on one side of the beach reaching the tallest height.
The Oshawott and Inhabitants of the Beach of the Mind
Dunes and fences flowed at a ridge away from that over and plateued to four condos on wooden pillar stilts. this island was no more than a sand bar.
The Great Flood part1
He took a deep breath and steeled himself for imminent impact and with the full force of the wave, the brave young lad crashed into the wooden stilt.
Resolutions - Part 10 - October
One rabbit was dressed as jerry the giant and was walking on stilts. his strides were graceful so maybe he had a lot more experience on stilts than we did with wearing cards on our backs. another person was dressed in a lot of heavy looking armor.
Conning the Arena 3
"heh...bear on stilts...the circus would be fucking proud..." it wasn't ideal. the ooze was climbing the metal poles even as he dragged them along, but it was better than nothing.
The Purge :Introduction 2 days 'til Land Drop.
Earth has become so polluted the its inhabitants have built on top of their previous menageries, large colonies called cribs stilted safely above the polluted air. since the final rising of the cribs strange occurances started to happen.
Nighthowler 2, Ep. 14
A little further ahead lies a corroded metal walkway, propped up off the ground by stilted legs. it leads to stairs, up into the parting mist, up towards the concrete damp sprawling across the river.
The Path of Mew
You are on the beach in front of a group of vacant beach condos on stilts. they are on a small island, a sand bar of a size. the beach is behind and all around. the condos are set back on one side of the beach reaching the tallest height.
Kevin Stair and Dr. Humble: A Serial Romance Part 2
Humble said, "i'm as graceful as a walrus on stilts."
Rose- The Assessment
I take it back, it's not so much like walking on springs as walking on stilts. well not those really long circus stilts. it's a much more fluid stance than what i'm used to.
Pins and Needles
Looking at it with this strange hindsight, it's still as stilted and grammatically odd as the first time i laid eyes on it. it's a textual menu, swimming in front of my eyes, moving with each saccade, so i can't quite focus on everything.
Hey you
It'll probably sound of kind of awkward and stilted and take a few attempts but i think i should try it, right? i don't know. no, i do know, i wouldn't have suggested it otherwise. i'll see you later. love you. xxxxx