The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 8: Calm Time
The blue bird shouted as he shoved the fox against one of the railings with a metallic thud. he stood up and towered over the vulpine, moments before he made a fist with his left hand.
Lion Man part 7
Shingi said to them pointing a claw at the blue bird. " i got a plan. " simba whipper, to his older friends. " what is it simba ." shingi asked , looking at the younger cub.
Return to Equusscence
If man names a creature a blue bird, is it really a blue bird? if a tree is felled and no one is around, does it crash as loudly? meaningless, this knowledge is. what good is this data if it cannot be practically applied?
In space, no one can hear you moan.
Fox growled and closed his jaw around falco's neck in a dominant bite, making the blue bird shudder.
He smiled particularly bitterly at that, childhood friends before before the era of the phone and of the blue bird whom he had no means of contacting. he sighed, taking a sip of a vodka/orange juice concoction.
Hypnovember - Day 28: Defeat
The tip of his long tail moved so close to the blue bird, but never touched it. his golden eyes stared straight at the camera, and his mocking smile was directed at fox. the screen flickered again.
Earning Nook Miles
The blue bird strode confidently into the space, letting the door swing shut behind him on its own.
He Found Me As Ice - chapter 2
The blue bird looked thoughtful for a few moments, thinking over what the human had offered. he smiled, coming to a conclusion. "how about you stay here with me from now on? think of it as like a servant."
Non Canon Chapter 3
The two of them were already starting, leaving the blue bird to join in... slowly, zazu approached and pressed himself to pumbaa's large orbs. they were warm as well and eased the worries of zazu quite a bit.
Pleasurable Pokemon Ch. 1 (remake)
She returned her altaria, a huge blue bird with cloud-like wings, in the same manner as her opponent; with a red beam of light from her pokeball and placing it in her pocket.
Dream Teemo - 2012
Everything was so fuzzy and blue. birds were making emphatic chirps, or something was making that odd grunting noise. the heavy breathing was loud, too. his whole team was out of breath while they teased him. he felt his own needy breathing.
Starfox: Secret's Out
Fox certainly wasn't complaining about spending some one on one time with the handsome blue bird. he hadn't told anyone, but mccloud had a massive boner for falco.