[Drazin] New Gig

Could be a hidden knife of some sort." gasps and shocked ooohs from those rang out in response. the kobold's eyes gleamed briefly and they settled down.

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Revolution | Chapter XVIII: Reunion of Ghosts

The man charged forward with a hidden knife he had and sprinted right for me. i sighed and stopped just as the man reached me.

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Everwinter Ch6: Lie of omission

"exactly, but it never lasts, mages may be powerful but they cannot be on their guard all the time, poisoned food, a hidden knife, a lover that strikes when you least expect it. no one wins, everyone suffers."

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Inhuman | Chapter 12: Humans and Animals [old edition]

He merely sat down on the cold bench, and as he did so, he once again felt the hidden knife pressing against him; the soldiers had once again missed it when they'd patted him down during his admission.

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Everwinter Ch19: Definition of Contrast

Poisoned food, a hidden knife, a lover that strikes when you least expect it. no one wins, everyone suffers. does that ring a bell!?" talwin lowered his head, "i did say that, and it's true in the sense i meant it.

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Fox in the Dark

Suddenly, with energy one wouldn't expect from a little old man, he rapidly draws a hidden knife, and attempts to strike at her with it. the fox takes a hit, the knife penetrating her stomach. she falls back and onto her rear, coughing.

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Journeyman Wolf

The wolf felt his fur stand on end as he noticed the 'master' of the workshop and he felt his paw stray to his hidden knife behind his back underneath his shirt.

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This time I lost some...

Then as though struck with lighting alec dawned his hidden knife once again and plunged it into the gators eye! the grip of his jaws instantly was broken as he roared madly and stumbled back clutching his eye. "aaaarghhh! you son of a bitch!


scifisummer far flung space fling

He still drooled at their naked bodies despite what was going on, but soon composed himself and reached into his fur hidden knife that was attached to his leg.

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Evokation / Book IV: The Hanged Man / Part 8

"not even kafka carries any weapons, unless he's got a hidden knife somewhere or a gun in his cane or something equally unnecessary and elaborate." "you should have a gun cane!"

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My Sword, My Clan 33 - My Friend and Nemesis

The cleric even dropped the hidden knife from his cloak, pulling it out and completely discarding it without a care in the world left for him.

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Bio-Morph-One(tentative title) as of 3-20-2015

Out comes the hidden knife before i slowly remove my underwear, which i do more slowly. why? the scent mostly, it has an acrid spice to it and i stand there with my mouth slightly open while breathing in huffs before it hits me.

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