Love & Understanding
This piece of work is solely made to be read by others and because i was bored out of my mind**.
cassandra and me chapter 1
#1 of cassandra and me if there is sufficient or any interest in this story, then i will try to continue it...this was just something i wrote up one day during lunch at walmart while i was bored.
A Thing for Star - Chapter 7
i was bored out of my mind, as i was illiterate. the words on the pages looked like an alien language with strange symbols and marks. luckily, i went through the period without being picked to read. we went to our separate classes.
Hell hath no fury...
i was bored. :) pt. i hissing with fury and loss, glaring at the lukewarm coffee covering the yellowed pages of the book open upon the black granite countertop. many years and a king's ransom spent in acquirement, ruined before her.
Dirty Lion King Prequel pt.1
A little something i wrote when i was bored. simba learns all about blowjobs... simba was exploring the various nooks and crannies around pride rock when his nose caught a strange scent. as the curious cub he is he decides to pursue the source.
My Bitch
I wrote this because i was bored, its a poem by the way. **my bitch** i wished i knew how to run away from him, but it was impossible to do when the very person i might love refused to let me go.
Short Story Rebirth
#1 of short stories the great wizard, tzeenac'thilk, lord of dark, has found himself in a terrible situation something short i wrote up when i was bored and waiting for class to start...
Physics (Not really a story - Just fun stupidness!)
This is just some silly, stupid shit i wrote entirely for the purpose of entertaining myself because i was bored and had nothing else to do. i s'pose i could have gone and fapped or someshit, but whatever. i didn't. note: it's not jack-worthy.
The Rainbow Flag That Hung From A Tree: Chapter 1
i was bored, but it beat anything else in the world. time walks. it's 8:00 now, and i wait for my parents to get home. they walk into the house, and start yelling at me. i had left my dishes out, which annoyed them.
A Thing for Star - Chapter 6
._" i was bored out of my mind and just wanted to try to pass the time. i got in, locked the stall, and i took out the machine my parents had not even known had came yet, by now i called it a "shaker".
Love brings us closer
So enjoy ch.1 love brings us closer one mild summer afternoon i was bored of playing left 4 dead 2 and i was alone in my house with no parents or my cock blocker cuz "im so bored there is nothing to do " said myself with
It Started With Toast- Chapter 19
Looking out of the window in my brother's room i was bored and decided to do some searching.