Two Lips
Like i was gonna have a panic attack? of course, this made me think i had gotten the virus and my lungs were failing, which only made it worse ... " "that's not like a panic attack. that _is_ a panic attack," the bat said with alarm.
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 35)
_ in one of her most recent panic attacks, she stumbled across a very despairing thought: what if she has to live like this for the rest of her life?
Parson Ch 2
This eased beth massively, and he could see the panic attack subsiding as her body eased against his.
Squad Goals - Ch10
Shodan was laughing because she was frightened of april getting frightened and worked up into another panic attack, which was utterly forgivable. at least the 'yeen wasn't all angry any more... _quit. stalling!
A fear inside
Mostly a poem to describe my panic attacks. please comment so i can improve the poem to the whisper of light comeing throgh the dark mind. a world away but so close in time. i walk blindly on this road deep inside.
Character Reference: James Finch
First panic attack after the 2044 bombing. **past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about and why:** vulnerability to panic attacks. "failure" in jerusalem during the purge.
Eiko, the shy and timid Golden chapter 2
Her chest was hurting and she could barely breath as the panic attack kicked in more and more rapidly. luckily kayla stepped in front of eiko and looked at erica. ''she's a girl.
1.3 - Leave the Light On
"you had a panic attack, tonight. and it wasn't the first time." "snow rabbits do not panic." "bull." "pardon?" "there's no reason to deny it." seward hesitated. telepathy. right.
Lagomorphs -- Chapter 18: Aftermath
She almost seemed to be having a panic attack. "didn' see gemma. flower and garland went down early." "gemma knows not to play near the trees. she'll be ok," sky hugged his sister. "i saw singer go into the widdershins entrance with sunny.
After the Storm - Part 28 [Blessing and Curse]
"it has something to do with that panic attack of your back at the meeting room, didn't it?" the kirlia asked once more when the riolu said nothing for about a minute.
The Darkness Calls Part 5
"oh i didn't realize it was that noticeable...i had a mini panic attack about you not liking me. i know it sounds weird but i have problems with rejection" he seemed more comfortable getting that off his chest.
After the Storm - Part 18 [The Intruder]
He was afraid that charlie would get a panic attack, considering the increased heart rate and breathing. although charlie really wasn't one to get a panic attack, jason thought that there was nothing wrong with comforting a friend. "what time is it?"