The mostly true stories of Drake #1 revised
Drake awoke that morning looking over at his alarm clock , it was already 7. he threw the covers off of himself and looked around his room. it was average just like everything else about him. He was an average shade of greenish-blue...
Zahame's First Time
Zahame's First Time He was eleven years old. Nearly twelve. A small, gangly bundle of arms, legs and tail with all the grace and elegance of a drunken mosquito. He was a kuvrahk. Most people saw him as some kind of weird, cute little dragon. He was...
An Unfortunate True Story (Furry Version)(Part 1)
Ello sofurry users, i am new to the website and i figured my first submission might as well be a funny true story. however, i will put it all into furry terms just so that it will fit in well on this site.
The true story of Red Riding Hood (part 1)
My name is Julietta, but I'm sure you know me as 'Red'. Truth is, I've never really liked the nickname, but once one sticks to you... oh well. Over the years there have been many variations on my story, but so far, none have been close to the mark. You...
A Visit by a Dire Wolf: Day 1
This is based on a true story in my life, a week when a friend of mine came to my hometown to visit me and another person i later became friends with. all the characters in this are based on real people.
An Unordinary Job
#1 of an unordinary job this is partially based on a true story that happened to me a few years ago. the story is greatly exaggerated to make for a better read, but some of the core details are the same.
The Dragon in me: the true story of a boy and the dragon he held within
Chapter 1: The First Rising It's vague, but I remember the first of what we spirit roamers call "The First Rising" it was a crescent moon outside. this i remember most of all because even now 11 years after that first rising i love to go out before bed...
The Dragon in me: the true story of a boy and the dragon he held within
Introduction Ever since I was of age, I can remember a great many things of the dragon within me. I was six years old when I first became a dragon. Of coarse I was not a dragon during the day. You see a dragon can only be released when the face of...
Coming Together: The True Story of the Meeting of Thalyn and Numbi Part 2
#2 of coming together coming together: the true story of the meeting of thalyn and numbi here is the long-awaited part 2 of coming together. i hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed living it, and writing about it.
Coming Together: The True Story of the Meeting of Thalyn and Numbi Part 1
#1 of coming together coming together: the true story of the meeting of thalyn and numbi by: thalyn chatnoir author's note: hi all!
The way it SHOULD have ended - caution, true story slightly edited
It's a true story using ferals.... a young vixen like creature walks down a wooded path, her blue eyes taking in little of the scenery around her. she walks slowly, as if in a daze, pain and heartache written all over her face.
The Rush
**The Rush** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ ** ** The sled team shivered. Fresh snow fell in Dawson, ignorant of the exhausted and pad-sore team, which limped to their sleeping spots. The mail run had been wearying, but it was...