Cybera - an erotic cyberpunk thriller - Chapter 9
Luke rushed on, forcing his body away from the ladder, all the while the churning rhythm of semi-automatic rifles blared high above him. he glanced quickly around.
My Fursona
At the end of the passage he found a bundle which contained an infantry saber, an .44 automatic and seven clips as well as his old knife. a note pinned to the bundle read "taurn, here are weapons for your quest.
Part 2 of "A Day I Won't Forget"
I sniffed the air again, the ferret instincts coming into automatic. i noticed i still didn't know the girl's name. or my name for that matter.
My Guardian Demons, final part (4 of 4)
automatic rifle and an automatic watch made good sense: both could be disassembled and repaired while on a mission. i began to untie kamryn and massaged her wrists to get the blood flowing. she opened her eyes for a moment and smiled when she saw me.
Ablaze Ch.15: Battle of Senchen (12)
Keeping in mind the fact that they are dangerously low on ammunition, he fires two rounds in semi-automatic. the wolf still manages to eliminate the enemy, and hides behind cover to avoid being shot.
Bod's Day Off
automatic kitchens were yet another wonderful product available from the fyreworks corporation, and one bod had learned to love.
The Transcendent
The map on roy's hud automatically highlights a path through the station. as he sets off at a quick pace, mother rethinks if this really is a good idea.
The Sum Of Good Things
He called back, the radio system automatically keyed by his voice. "what in god's name are you doing!" "silencing sum alarms." "stop it and come to me now!"
Make Me Moo
The experiment will begin automatically. don't worry, this room is locked and isolated to protect your privacy." the voice explains. "alright, let's get this started." ken murmurs.
Chapter 6: Good News Comes to Lylat.
I dried myself with the towel but it only dried half of my whole body so i walked to the dryer and it automatically on. the warm wind blew my whole body till it is almost dry.
Return of herm ideology + Bigpip and the candy factory
The jubi berry growing zone hed automatic sprinklers build, with a automatic puller with a conveyer belt carrying harvested berries to the kitchen. once the cocoa trees grow up jubi candy can be made. a odd thing happend.
Choose your own adventure (CYOA), Steel Quest: Intro.
automatically gain a soul trait and a mental trait at no cost, but must take the fragile form disadvantage for no extra points. beastmen: taking many forms, large and small.