Bad End: Shimmers

The bone gleamed, with deep scrapes going up its length, from the black dragon's fangs. now the eastern dragon was nervous. dragons as small as him couldn't possibly have the hunger of the void, but this black dragon seemed to.

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The Volunteer Maiden, Chapter 3

The dragon stared down at elyra. "while your respect is appropriate, dragons appreciate bluntness. if you wish to apologize, simply do so." "very well dragon." elyra straightened up.

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Mismatched Identities - Spyro's Night Out

Spyro thought to herself as a black dragon walks towards her making the pink dragoness jolt and face said dragon.

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when the hunter becomes his prey

But even how evil dragons where he could not blame the dragon for killing a slayer, the dragon would simply protect him of herself.

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when the hunter becomes his prey (old version)

But even how evil dragons where he could not blame the dragon for killing a slayer, the dragon would simply protect him of herself. at the entries of the cave he stopped to look inside, no dragon here, only a fire with something shiny behind it.

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The Persistent Dragon Gets a Mate

#11 of the persistent dragon more dragon stuffs the persistent dragon gets a mate along the crowded streets of the market district strode a lone dragon on his way to the stables.

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The Devil's Deal - Part Two

The dragon tossed his head, hissing. "why do humans think dragons sleep on metal? sounds profoundly uncomfortable. and untidy." the dragon clicked his teeth and waved a paw.

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Orthnians are tricky!

The curvascious red dragoness muttered to herself as she contiued through the woods. the dragoness closed the book and looked up towards the horizon.

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Riding the Dragon

Maybe she was destined to become a dragon rider. riding dragons wasn't only fun.

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Secret Sanctuary Fun

Gazing up at the avian with an insatiable hunger in his predatory eyes, the dragon silently beseeched for permission to consummate their union. the bird, his eyes fluttering open as the dragon ceased his intimate attentions, met the dragon's gaze.

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