The New Machine

"ralph there going to use the ether drive to break into hyperspace", a female voice in the radio of ralphs communicator.

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An Endless Voyage continued ch 15

The admiral's yahct was about twice the size of a troop transport shuttle, hyperspace capable, and posessed powerful octa-helical shields and 40" rotary autocannons.

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The Good Ship and Crew

hyperspace is always baseline shitty on this route. there's gravitational anomalies from a black hole, sr177. sometimes it punches a hole into hyperspace and everything goes to shit for awhile." "that's when it gets worse? like now?"

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The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 8

The universe outside started to seem like it was closing in on the ship and suddenly, the ship entered hyperspace, flying out into hutt space. kaidan leaned back in his chair, gazing into the hypnotising patterns of hyperspace.

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Runaway: Chapter 6: Evaluation

Then we would have to wait an hour for the ion engines to cool down, and the hyperspace engines to spool up.

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To Boldly Hoof It Ch 14. Taking A Stand

"coming out of hyperspace in three... two... one..."their ship emerged out of hyperspace. on the view screen, the yellow atmosphere of the moon titan filled the entire screen."captain, we're in position behind titan," said dumbbell."

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New Horizons (An Iri Keltesh story)

The blue glow of of the hyperspace tunnel surrounded the modest y-wing starfighter, radiant clouds interweaving in swirling patterns that might have meant something profound to theoretical hyperspace physicists.

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The hyperspace wash from the black hole would obscure his trajectory--this was an old trick, as was the probe he fired off back into hyperspace to generate a false lead for anyone trying to suss out where the _rarog_ had gone.

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The Voyage: New Beginnings

First time we translated into hyperspace, i lost every meal i had had that day." "is it really that bad? i've heard stories...." marcus started to sweat slightly.

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Scarborough Fair Homecomings Chapter Six

They quickly left the atmosphere and in less than a half hour made the jump to hyperspace. once they were safely in hyperspace and were able to get out of the runabout, leu refused to enter the daktari, vehemently asserting that he was fine.

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Triad's Sci-Fi Furry Book Chapter Two (Draft)

Once his ship was a safe distance away from the planet, they began preparations to enter hyperspace. this was the part he dreaded. to him, hyperspace was a nightmare.

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