Publication I-1117
Generation 1 individuals who are partnered, though, are also unrestricted. be aware that it may be possible for you to impregnate generation 2 individuals, so always use protection.
Log Reports
Identified individuals speaking are lacertian councilor r'coxas and lacertian councilor p'leidos.
4 - Contemplations on Divinity [Incomplete]
In the best of cases, it is nothing more than a really strong shock wave that would kill anyone within but a few meters from the individual, and the individual themselves.
Unknown Outline W.I.P.
{sees an image of his boyfriend's aunt/sister and goes to his room to show him it when he sees the individual in the picture in front of him.
These two individuals will be gifted with unique abilities, previously unknown by their brethren. while shadow-claimed and occulted are both treated worse than nongifted individuals, shadow-claimed have it worse.
Blade Tail- The Library
But back on earth there were these seven individuals that were all extremely powerful individuals that had all these rules put in place on them so they couldn't operate freely.
A Star Wars "Scientific" Journal
For the past twenty years i have theorized that the existence of midichlorians to be a falsehood in regards to how we first tried to identify the ability of an individual to have influence over the force.
The Rampage - Part 02
Masses of people were blown down in waves from each exhale, while every inhale brought hoards of individuals closer to the giant face.
Zion - Light of the New Moon: City of Shrad
To survive, most individuals must either become ruthless leaders, willing underlings, or sniveling servants.
The Woodfather - Growth Reports
A serious individual, he was nonetheless loyal to his friends and valued their opinions.
Lore: Vulpeculan Principalities
The planet was and still is, dotted with hundreds of small principalities run by some of the most depraved and decadent individuals in the galaxy.
Meet Me at the Auction House (Patreon Extreme)
Far back towards the entrance there was a lone individual that sipped at a glass of bubbling, amber liquid.