Open Poetry
Yeah, the staircase, oh, i'll tell you about the staircase, because you see the first stair is where they get you like a police baton to your knees, and that bitch screams pain and surrender and i'm not even to the other stairs yet which open you raw and suck
Open Season
I hereby declare, this very day, an open season, on all the prey.
Out in the Open
He stepped into the open bathroom. the raccoon just stood for a moment and looked at the shaded figure that stood behind the glass. quietly slipping off his clothing, he slowly opened the shower door.
Open Ocean
Compared to open ocean, the shallows held an irresistible heat. sunlight in open ocean sinks through the water, weakening as it goes, burning off its energy.
An Open Heart
As she opened the door into the portables, she heard her hunch was correct. she could hear the piano coming from the band room, and she had never heard anyone else go to play piano over lunch.
Open Casket
The preist bowed his head and opened the good book, preaching words of faith for mike. the preist was odd, a short, simple arctic fox. i flashed my eyes wide open, but ducked my head, and read the old preists' mind.
The Open Door
It's open!"_ _ _ indeed. i turned the door handle with my elbow and opened it to admit myself into the musty room.
Out in the Open
This time, rather than making me beg for it, he thrust forward again all on his own, and i felt my toe-claws digging into the soil as his dick spread my ass open open and made room for itself again.
Opening and Exploring
Talula's muzzle hung open, looking like shi was trying to find hir voice but was too mortified. "yeah, we got a bit carried away, sorry sheikh," fierra said, grabbing their hides and the still stunned talula's hand, leading hir away.
Opening Up
He shifted forwards slowly, spreading his maw wider, jaws straining to open further and further, until with a soft popping sound, the massive head of the doberman's cock lodged itself in the snake's muzzle.
Digiport Open!
Sneaking up behind him, i open my mouth and say. "hey veemon. whatcha doing there?" his half-squinted eyes shot open, and he turned around to see me. "oh, hi davish." he was trying to hide the erection he had, but i knew it was there.
Eyes Open
His eyes shot open as he shook from the feeling, and with the additional sensation of the knot stretching his hole wider than he ever felt before, he hit his own climax.