Studying Biology w/ Jun, Part 1 [of 3]

After a few seconds, i realize that if i stare much longer, i won't be able to claim it was scientific curiosity. gah, either jun really did only care scientifically, or he has crazy good self-control.

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Introduction to 'The Student'

They are criticized, prosecuted, and even attacked by extremist religious, scientific, and political groups claiming that such 'abominations' should not be allowed to exist for fear that they may endanger humanity due to their brutal animalistic nature.

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The Vee Diaper Experiment

He smiled as he watched television, it was a show explaining a scientific theory.

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: Eighth Tale

And you know do some outdoor scientific research." "o-kay?" dr. cutie pup eyed the question. "but... do you actually plan to do any scientific research or do you plan to just run around poking things with sticks and seeing what happens?"

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Character Profile: Verona

Having been born to teddy bear parents, and genetically, and scientifically altered, and experimented on since her conception, she is considered a big scientific marvel to experimental scientists.


The Golgothians

The need for scientific equipment and magical components or artefacts has made the golgothians particularly hostile against various research organization, with the avalon agency being their number one target.

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All about Evocanis (Part 2): Origins

Years passed and leaders still awaited that scientific breakthrough that would give them the edge in this aged war. scientists looked for not only intelligence, but most of all strength.

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Rosa's Guide to Poképhillia, Ch 3.5 - Birthing

Clearly this isn't scientifically accurate in any sense. no bellyaching about how you don't understand how something works, i'm running off of pokémon logic, after all!

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Four o' Clock Rock

Redburn commanded, and, scientific curiosity sparking up again, todd obliged, hoping to learn a thing or two about it.

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Jungle Biology

Despite her clouded judgement, her scientific mind still wondered - were there other factors in play here? was the leopard giving out a mating pheromone that was somehow successfully affecting her?

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Faith and Truth: Chapter Two

James said suddenly, trying to avert the subject into less scientific territory, which he always did when he knew he was outmatched. he did the same thing when alex was arguing the merits of stem-cell research.

Draconicon's R34 Harem 17: Scientific Help

Draconicon's rule 34 harem chapter 17: scientific help sponsored by lorvianne by draconicon alphys didn't know what had happened in new home, but she knew that the cameras hadn't gone dark on their own.

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