Beautiful Twilight: Bible Break Down V
"spark and sharon were having an argument. sharon was telling spark that she was a horrible person because she...spark does some questionable things. they exchanged some heated words, and after that, i told spark that she shouldn't listen to sharon.
Eye of The Storm
"sharon! elicia!" she just laid there watching the two greet each other with a morning kiss and again she blushed a little as sharon turned to her with a toothy grin while moving in close.
Call of Cuteulhu
sharon pouted as she came from behind the equally confused francis, "they're red! they're full of blood!" "contact lenses, sharon! got you too, huh?"
The Death of Worlds - Chapter 3: Encounter
sharon observed. "that must mean that someone is indeed here, or at least has been here before." the speaker said "can you tell us what's up ahead, sharon?"
Always There
sharon agreed to feed him while elicia went to the village shaman for some medicine to help with the fever. slowly and carefully sharon fed her little cub spoon after spoon of warm soup until the bowl was completely empty and he drifted off to sleep.
Freak Among Furs - Chapter 1
The door opened, and sharon slipped into the room with a plate of food, a ham and cheese sandwich and a glass of water. it wasn't much, but it was more than i'd have gotten otherwise. i'd known sharon since i arrived here.
Yule be Sorry
"honestly, sharon..."
The Orphan
On that day elicia and sharon had gotten their wish, they had been given a son.
The Death of Worlds - Chapter 2: Assassins
sharon asked "do they have a uniform or something?" "well, they do, actually."
The First Kill
"sharon no! get out of here!!" instead of listening sharon stood there with her arms wide open as the beast focused on her, looking angry and hungry. "i want you to run as fast as you please take care of our boy...." "no!!!"
Ch. 84
She said, before turning her gaze back to a drenched and shivering sharon. "this one... this one i'll tolerate, but only tolerate. i'd like to go back in my pokeball for a while, thank you."
Ch. 85
As i cuddled up with my girls, i spared one last glance toward sharon, and closed my eyes.