Whitewing Chapter 9

A pair of sleeping spinarak were just barely visible in the tree and both of them were able to mark down where they had found it.

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Chapter Two: Promise to the Stars

. \*\*\* orange painted the sky, touched with pinks and purples like thin tendrils of spinarak webbing that cast a dim glow across the forest as nincadas sang their shrill song into the dying day.

Chapter 2: A Promise to the Stars

\*\*\* orange painted the sky, touched with pinks and purples like thin tendrils of spinarak webbing that cast a dim glow across the forest as nincadas sang their shrill song into the dying day.

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A Rare Sight Ch.14-Rent-A-Friend Pt.2

Chole then glowed white and transformed into a spinarak, she then aimed at the flashlights and spun web around our heads so that the flashlights could sit on our heads and we would have free hands. "thank you." "what bout' me?"

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Chapter 3

Of course, this also meant that her spinarak netting was covering one of them, making it harder for them to move. still she stood frozen. 'no chance...' she realized.

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A tale of two worlds - Chapter 6 Issues

Coz i really hate spinarak,' he paused for a moment shuddering, '...webs...' myron looked quite offended by this, 'hey we got through all right didn't we?' 'yeah i guess so... but do me a favour would you? stop and ask directions.'

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To Gain an Umbreon

But on the second day, it was a spinarak, and then a beedrill, and then it just got successfully worse and worse. by the third day, she was exhausted from defending her place, faithfully waiting for her master.

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A Secret Revealed

"don't drink that, sire, i am eighty-six percent sure that it has been tainted by spinarak toxins." the king flinched then raised his paw. a guard came quickly to his master's side the king thrust the goblet to the guard. "taste this."

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Watcher of ArceusChapter 2

The first time rebecca had been allowed to freely explore the manor, she had gotten herself caught in a spinarak's web.

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Chapter 3 - Bonding

Trudly groans, and brings back his pokemon, spinarak and duskull. they were just annihilated by the two eons, just like folly's pokemon from moments before. "forgot about type weaknesses, huh? fool." wesley states, finding that amusing.

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Jim Chronicles 3 : Cianwood City

Jim smiled as the sun was starting to settle and the bug type pokemon of the area, with the exception of some small spinarak's,had turned in for the night. jim walked until there was small clearing near a large pool of water.

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The Dragon in Spider's Web

There was a picture of a dragonair with a spinarak in his head, both of them smiling. there was another with a ariados holding up a ariados, both of the smirking, the dragonair with a blush on his face.

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