Let It Burn

On the roof of the building he saw a bright flash, followed an instant later by a sledgehammer impact on his chest and a supersonic crack. the sniper round tore through his suit easily, designed to pierce kevlar.

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Bonneville: Sex and Speed

"it is quick, draco.that's thrust ssc, the only car that's ever gone supersonic." everyone looked at the car in question. resplendid in it's dark colours, it lay like a panther at bay.

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Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight p2

But his mind kept calm, waiting for krystal to move to safety first before he removed the robot's head from its shoulders with a supersonic bullet.

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Carousel of unearthly delights

At the peak, he screamed supersonically, his eyes were wide and unseeing, but as it fell, he closed his eyes and dipped his legs, panting and moaning as he was fucked hard.

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Good Enough Chapter 11

A crew was prepping the stage while the first band of the night, subliminal supersonic, was doing a sound check. a member of the stage crew rushed over to them with a clipboard.

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I Love You Lucario... - Chapter 7

Use supersonic!" the golbat made an assuring grunt before it let out a loud deafening screech that shattered all the nearby windows. lucario and mark cringed at the sound covering their ears in pain.

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Clashing of Fang and Claw

To see a ton of spinning, fifteen-foot-long black dragon flesh and scales hit a lake's water at near supersonic speed was a pretty, and _wet,_ sight for the spectators as a giant splash and wave came from... "lake zero".

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Heartless Dragon 2 Weapons of War(re-edited)

The legs add flexible joints made up of light kevlar and small metal joints and at their feet, they wore boasters for achieving supersonic capabilities. their tails had little protection for maneuverability.

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Weak to Dragon-types (commission for Aldrat)

All he knew was that flygon's evolution line had a thing about their wings making supersonic noises that could confuse people, so maybe learning moves that confused other pokémon made sense for them?

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"hey overseer, how much do these fancy supersonic plutonium tipped bullets cost?" archangel suddenly asked. "uh...about ten grand a pop, why?" the voice replied in confusion.

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Utterly Pointless Drivel

I think i set a world record for getting out of clothes and into a bathtub: i swear my hands were moving at supersonic speeds as i pulled off my pajamas, stepped into the tub, and wrapped my arms around her pushing her back against the tiled walls.

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Saphira Meets Thorn

Saphira and thorn dove, belly to belly, reaching supersonic speed, until at the very last moment they broke out of the dive, the courting ritual completed. saphira immediately turned toward her cave, with thorn racing towards her full-tilt.

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