Shifting 101
tony cried and wept for about quarter of an hour. tony finally stopped crying "feel better?". tony nodded. "shall we have our little lesson on shifting then?" tony rubbed his blood-shot eyes and nodded. jon stood up and took tony's hand.
Tony's Room - Bath
tony let go of trevor's extremely sensitive dick and gave it a kiss on the tip. trevor blushed. trevor sat down on tony's lap and tony wrapped his arms around him.
2 Guys
Until then he had tony to keep his cock wet. so long as tony's girl didn't ever find out of course. "you want it in my mouth or ass today?" tony asked and looked up at him.
Chapter Nine: The Calm Before The Storm
tony yells out. a scene comes into focus, all around you is the burned down village witnessed by tony a few days ago.
High School Days Chapter 19: Father Knows Best
The wolf patted tony's knee gently. "tony, no one would ever believe me even if i did." the chuckle in the wolf's voice made tony blush even more brightly. "now, where have your clothes gotten too?
Tony's Room - Monster
Maybe greg had wanted tony as bad as tony had wanted him. 'what the hell is wrong with me...' tony thought with despair. tony's door opened up slowly...
Spartans' Adventures
Yuki found tony and looked at him. "don't you dare ever die on me." she said, hugging tony tightly. tony nodded and smiled. "i don't plan on it, hun." tony said, hugging yuki tightly.
Chapter 2 - Teacher & Student
"tony allen?" "here." tony piped up and noticed a slight wink from the teacher, when he glanced up from his clip board.
Chapter 3 - A Horny Exercise Before the Shower
tony turned around and wrapped his arms around eric's body. eric was then inside tony's warm and confortable cuddle. tony's face was directly beside his and he could feel every breath of tony's.
Digi Kimi Chapter 8: Field trip time with Saint Blossom
tony in depress voice 'ok,' said ty as he start moving his bed next to tony bed, tony help him out with it.
It looked exactly like oden down to the spot patterns, just alive thought tony inspecting oden once he let tony up off the floor. he had to be oden tony thought how else could he be here and know tony's name.
When Dreams Become Reality: In a Perfect Alternate Universe (BONUS CHAPTER) Part 3
As we both walked outside, the two of us walked near tony's impala, with one of the nearby neighbor's shouting "afternoon tony!" tony looked over to see a large black male dragon working on his car next door to his house, and tony replied "hey franco!