The Magic Attic: Toonish TV Antics
"toon diapers, they're the tooniest. they'll make you go toon toon toon!" the pair were so enthralled, they didn't notice their colors starting to drain out of their fur and spirals starting to appear in their eyes.
Toonium City Arrival (Gerard Prince rewrite, Eps 1)
You write a letter, address it to your toon target, then you hold it up in the air, and say toon mail. and the magical toon mailing system then teleports the letter directly to the target. simba likely had your letter the second it entered the slot."
Donkey Jobs and Party Packs (Gerard Prince rewrite, Eps 6)
The rival's new friends, a toon hippo boy named herby and a toon big horn ram boy named rocky, had been the ones who called the medics to the scene of the edible accident.
Welcome to the B.U.S.T. Club - Episode Seven
All these items have been specially made to your default toon dimensions and shipped for you along with this invitation. come on down this friday at 22:00 hours, dress to impress, leave your toon belts behind, and see what all the fuss is about!"
Leo the Lifter - Glutes Day
He's in full sex mode, no toony g-rating in this gym today! his nipples and bulge and ass curves are all on full display. i mean, they're always there but when we go full toon it hides all the good bits.
Fairy Dust
Each change came with a chitter or a squeak, as well as the toony effect that covered the sofa and the squirrel both. simplified, four fingers and toes, brighter colours and stylised look, didn't the little squirrel make such a cute 'toon?
And We're Pregnant to the Max
She'd gotten her third master's degree, in psychology, with a dissertation on human-toon interactions and bonding. today, however, had been especially trying.
The Flattening
Though had he gone to a traditional school, in the toon world he was considered a success.
Demon Castle Digitalpotato - A Different Kind Of Minotaur
#5 of demon castle digitalpotato nobody in here - it's just someone becoming a bison-based minotaur in a toony way there was one thing with demon castle digitalpotato that was common to everybody - the fact that it was too dark to see anything.
Big Mama Bear
Appear, interspersed with pictures of cute cartoony animals in clothes bearing the toony town logo. "oh wow. is this some kind of secret ride?"
Twelve Wishes of Christmas (QCP: BG-Eps10)
Granting christmas wishes to deserving toon people and one non-toon real boy who was a toon fan.
"let's get this clear, toon central owns everything i did from '89 to '92, but toon vision owns everything from '94 to '98, but not the broadcast right, that's with the tv station, and they're only interested in airing slice and dice informercials