A New Enemy, a New Twist
More of the motorcycle clad dogs were catching up and the turrets were close to becoming overheated. it's to dangerous to use our powers here. hunter thought. what are we going to do!? "keith the turrets are becoming overheated!
Enemy of my Enemy, Chapter 5
Panels in the walls and ceiling opened, and sixteen blaster turrets deployed. they tracked around and locked onto their targets. june's helmet cameras analyzed each turret's position and calculated their aim.
The Death of Worlds - Chapter 5: Machina
The last turret responded quickly, firing rapidly upon the mage, so far, his barrier was still holding.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 50
"hatred, if those tri-barrel turrets can pivot, see if you can have them aim behind us! try and light up as many of those fighters as you can!"
The Swords that Bind- Part 2: Introductions
His ability to multi-task, and even fire two turrets at different targets, was far superior to my abilities.
The Gates of Hell II- Flashpoint
Finally someone inside the base managed to activate the auto-turrets buying striker company the time to disentangle itself and break off. the sounds of battle were drowned out, as the turrets activated simultaneously.
Battleship Battle Part 3
There are four turrets two, in the bow facing fore, two in the stern facing aft, and each turret has three guns on it. these massive guns fire shells weighing three thousand pounds up to a range of thirty miles or more with pinpoint accuracy.
Barren Earth part 2
Pad get to the med bay and see if anyone is injured, io take the turrets. neo your in charge of the tanks as usual. and this time make sure they don't shoot me out of the sky!"
Krystal and Chase: Stone Ghost p2
The bots lay strewn across the floor on each level, filled with holes from the turrets. the turrets swiveled slowly from side to side, scanning for more targets.
Torn - Ch. 4
"morning man" ferlin said to him, dropping from the turret, sounding completely exhausted, his eyes bloodshot.
Academy Days Part 3
Sinking his fingers in a little bit deeper to keep from sliding back down the side of the building, he twisted the edge of the wrist console back to the turret hack. it glowed slightly, revealing that there were six turrets in range.
A Wolf on Sauria Ch.7
These turrets had been retrofitted with lasers somehow, normally found on spacefaring ship batteries. bringing the walker into a crouch, he leapt up onto the closest turret and fired down into it until flames were shooting out of the barrel.