Slave 5

slave 5 - m/m, masturbation,d/s, light torture - december 04, 2008 by afril with hints from tredain and chaos blackwing (cl) the gay furry association just another daydream "good morning...

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A slave's rights

Deke was a slave in body but not of mind. he was a lucky slave at that. since he had been bred for the higher echelon of society, he had been schooled in a variety of subjects, lest his master require conversation of him.

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The Slave's Punishment

#2 of the slave and her master "lily dear, wake up," grigory said. no response. the hyena was asleep on her belly, her cheek to the pillow and her sable locks partly strewn about the pillow and partly covering her face.

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A thankfull slave

====================================== \*sob\*, the small otter cried in the corner of the tired old cage.he saw his face in the rusty bronze bars, and pouted, realizeing how pathetic he looked.he was arlen,son to none, and like all anthros he was a slave

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Slave 3

The crew had no trouble with me going furclad as there were some slaves on board, but clothing made me itch and pant from the heat.

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The Breeding Slave

Days went by and fiona was fucked in every manner each night, she had become nacks new breeding slave and each time she was in heat nack would have her all to himself but on off days he would let his men have some fun with her.

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A Slave Begins

#2 of a slave's tail this is part one of a story i'm working on that i like to call, a slave's tail. i'm using my own character (vanamee) as the protagonist.

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Wage Slave

The boss buried his load in the slave. the raccoon's dick pulsed as the coyote's, soft and subservient, leaked onto the desk below. the raccoon's meaty balls emptied, gushed their torrents of seed, wave after wave, into the simpering bitch.

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Eric the slave

Eric struggled till he heard his master coo in his ear "slave, i have found your body and mind perfect for me, you keep my home neat and have only displeased me once and only once. i shall take you as my own."

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A Slave's Story

Even, apparently, for slaves. tsukitome had been purchased from a traveling band of slave traders, who did business overseas on the continent of farlan.

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Master and Slave

(N.B. This short little...movement, is part of a much larger story. The details don't matter here, nor do names. The only thing you need to know is that Khalas is straight. Which is bad considering this is a gay story. So, yea... time to go.) ...

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Slave To Karma

slave to karma i take in the unusual sight of the white plastered walls and billboards of health information. some go into detail about asthma, or cardiac arrest, or even allergies.

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