Shu pressed the button as he approached, making sure not to wake goku as the shrinking process took place, reducing the dog to the height of an action figure.
Growvember Day 25
Shawn had dropped to below my knees, now action figure sized. and nicolas? he was staring at my stomach. my only anchor now was chris, now the third tallest fur in the world.
Kiros' Easter Bunny
Chris blinked a bit as he was hoisted up only to squirm as he felt warmth rush through him again, yelping as he watched as the tanuki seemed to grow in size soon left settled in his boss' paw a little smaller than an action figure.
Under the blood moon- The begining
I grew up under the protection of my mother and still played with action figures at the age of 14. still a virgin and my only date i've had was the one with a computer and my hand.
Blue Thanks
It all rattled in her bag softly, like package loaded up with tissue paper and action-figures. amidst all this protection of her belongings, jasmine spotted her target. her name was danielle, but if you knew her well she was danny.
Protein Shake - Part 4
All the gurgling and thrashing in the massive paw seemed to get the giant dog all the more riled up as he toyed with the tiny fur like a cruel god playing rough with an action figure without care for the miserable little guy drowning in his precum.
Growvember Day 21
He was practically a raccoon action figure to me. "look, we aren't giants to the normal folk anymore. we're macros." i finally spoke out about it. "macros? where did you hear that? or, how did you?" shawn looked back up at me.
Cosplaying for Keeps
As they perused a table full of vintage action figures and toys, including a mint condition tracy island play-set that sasha was seriously considering shelling out for purely on the nostalgia it brought from her childhood, both she and the horse-zebra hybrid
Coloring books, action figures, an educational board game, but what seemed the most out of place was a big book. it didn't have a colorful cover, it was very thick and didn't look very fun. what kind of present is this?
Good Enough (Daddy's Little One)
Then he found it: a rather large action figure, almost so large that he couldn't grip it in his small paws. he reached for it on the shelf, though he was too small.
Disintegration: Chapter 7
He made a pair of puppy dog eyes once he was holding a large doll that resembled an action figure of godzilla. as this occurred, sasha approached the chest, where she saw some more toys inside. most were collecting dust.
She flapped her hands around playing with the action figure and blonde doll which was now blue haired courtesy of a permanent blue marker she'd used.