1. A Birthday Apology

She's been kissing our asses already, what's she got her panties in a bunch about over doing it a little more?" one cat called gleefully.

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Track and Field: Part I

You admitted it was your fault anyway, but if you keep bringing it back up i'll never get over doing it." "how about a compromise?" he asked. my ears perked as i cocked an eyebrow. "uh..."

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Guardians: Chapter Three

I think you may be over doing it again." he noted softly as she kept going already counting into the fifties. "nonsense. i know my limits red scales."

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River's River (omorashi story)

He reluctantly took a considerably smaller sip from his bottle, trying not to feel dehydrated, and at the same time trying not to over-do it and cause future embarrassment.

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The Christina Situation : Chapter Two

"slow down, you'll be sick if you over do it" he told her. she smiled and wiped her muzzle with the bed sheets. it wasn't dignified, but she didn't really care. "uh, what were my mum and you arguing about?"

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Aiden's *Trip* Home

"don't over do it, aid. i gotta put this in bones' room 'fore scratch finds it." he lightly shook the small box. "i wonder what it is." aiden drank a little more, grimaced, and set the half empty glass in the sink. "i better stop there." he said.

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is skydiving a good thing...and possibly sexy?

doing it, but tanya being one of the few people her friends had come to count on she just went along with some of the possibly dangerous things her friends brought her into but she always knew she was strong and could handle pretty much anything that came

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The Ryan Story Part XI

"just don't over do it," kith cautioned. cladden nodded. "i agree. so do you have any idea of his favorite foods?" "why do you call me that?" ryan asked in a shaky voice. "because you are freak!

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Maire-chapter two

But they did also say that we should not over do it." he nods and pulls her close. "maire you don't know how much i want to do this with you.

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Gold Fever chapter 6

"now i am under doctor's orders to make sure you don't over do it, do you think you can work the sluice if i can bring you buckets of pay-gravel?" becka asked. "yes, _mother_." greg groused. smiling with a sigh.

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Damian, 18 years old

He didn't want to over do it, not that he needed to cum. he was a patient guy, and the longer he went, the better it felt, but most guys didn't last more than ten minutes, so after five minutes of low moans and grunts he let himself cum.

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Helping out The Farmer

Her body itched for release but she didn't want to over do it. so she chooses the smallest one, which she knew had the smallest length and girth. this one was named by the farmers children, they called him james.

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