Walls Book 1 - Ch 7 : Recovery

The entity squirmed, "it is within your right to see the records, i cannot stop you." the blue entity moved to the side as a giant black screen appeared out of nowhere.

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Chapter I: The Priest and the Hunter

It circled around the shadow entity and trapped him into a confined space. he floated up to the top point of the ride and looked at the shadow entity trapped inside the ball.

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The Tiger's Toes - Kinktober 2021, Day 19

Given the translucent nature of the goo-entity's head, james could see the expression on their face.

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And thus, i named the entity lavan. although in time, my people would even give it the title known as the burning mountain.

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The Second Tome. Shining Alexander.

They called such an entity a divinity,a creature capable of amazing miracles. this was a gift from the goddess of hope and the goddess of light to alexander after seeing into his future,and his past.

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 18

Whatever this entity was, it had utterly _bypassed_ the gestalt defenses; psionic defense systems designed to keep such entities _out_ of the weyr and prevent them from manifesting within or near it, such that they could not threaten the mind of the great

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**beware the dweller of the deep:** **megatron and whichever cons were in their underwater base, felt an eerie chill as they heard the sound of unnatural entity from somewhere in the nemesis and it spooked them.** **"i'm telling ya, we shouldn't be down

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Iridescent

In contrast, a sudden shift in the crystalline entity's focus is unmistakable.

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Once we have significant knowledge of scp's then the data will ve properly documented so that our staff can learn about the entities.

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Invasion of the Tentacle Monsters Chapter 4

The alien entity now had only one host left for the night crew. the bull was moved in on his target. the security guard was leaned back in his chair, looking between the monitors and the clock.

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Check Your Wastewater

Much to their relief the entity that emerged was a deer, though as it stumbled towards aaron he could see that something was wrong with it.

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