Krystal's Arwitrin Ad
.)** narrator: arwitrin, the ultimate cure for athlete's foot.
Watching Your Language
** narrators do not use slang. narrators do not use contractions. at no point should "his balls" ever "slap against his/her ass." never!
Chapter 1 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The narrator's voice could be heard, telling the story. according to the title and the narrator, the story was called ‘goldilocks and the three bears'.
slutever: a found poem of her words
I am driven to produce incomplete narratives i am driven to produce incomplete narratives . and these incomplete narratives often speak of abandonment, loss, and the mundane.
One and the Same - Journal Entry - Solis, July 28th, Year 1355
~ Solis, July 28th, Year 1355 of the Human Calendar Boredom.... As if it wasn't bad enough my scales make these summers months hotter, but now I am also dying from BOREDOM! Wouldn't that make an interesting entry in a Dragon Slayer's Guidebook:...
New Story Idea Yes or No?
So I havent written anything in a while. I got this new story idea one night in a dream. What do you think? should I continue it? Casual Stroll: A Dragon Story. The day was slightly overcast, but in the southern heat, the clouds brought little...
Richard and Craig
"...and Richard, you are paired with Craig," my professor said. I honestly feel that he did this to me on purpose; knowing full well that I hated group work of any sort but it apparently fell on deaf ears. I flashed a quick glance at the fox who...
Extreme Hoarding!: The Dragon
narrator (v.o.) isselmet is a 933 year old dragon who lives alone. she has been hoarding since the late 800's.
Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, end notes
A moment later, though, the narrator curses, with a momentary glimpse of the two other 'mons rushing in to the fight before the narrator choses to dash across the street, at the expense of the shot.
My roommate's a werebeast
\*the narrator calmly opens up the door\* "can you keep it down? i have a test in physics tomorrow." \*narrator's back is being patched up with bandages\* "remind me never to ask you to scratch my back again..."
Not all text is narrated.
House Pet
We see several now appearing poised to grasp her.** narration "ever so carefully." **as ms.