Legends of Mundus Ch 8-9
Over time they learned how to summoning demonic like entities to fight for them and created a demonic army under their control and now they prepare for the retaliation. ch.9: the rise of arcadius.
Small Savannah Rivalry
It was nothing more than a simple, almost childishly petty act of bullying that challenged sarabi to dare and retaliate. of course, sarabi didn't hesitate to do exactly that.
Don't Go Off Ignoring
The finger at you and laugh along with the crowd she holds her tears in fearing that it might show as a weakness she bottles her emotions in not telling a soul on what's going on too afraid of telling her parents fearing that the verbal abuser will retaliate
25- End of the Line
Rift growled and retaliated with a strong paw to his counterpart's face, leaving large gashes. dark rift retaliated with the same to his side. rift noticed his opponent starting to slow.
No Frills: Krys Evensong Larcen
On the odd occasion that someone really lets her down to the point that she starts loathing them, she will retaliate - hard. as aurora's adopted child she often felt doubtful. what if this mother left her too?
Medivial Love Pt 1
The cheetah cried out in pain; his ass clenching in retaliation, "keep that up and i will unload in you in no time...." the prince purred; pressing deeper until his 9 inch member is hilted inside of the cheetah.
One and the Same - Journal Entry - Veneris, October 4th, Year 1355
I don't know if ixontros will retaliate or not, he may actually take my warning seriously. still preparing for the possibility is on my 'to do list', but in the mean time i must rest.
Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 20
Now he was beaten after we retaliated, so i think it's more because it made us react and started this escalation." "we didn't order the retaliation," arnold pointed out.
Rulers of the Demon's Crests
Arma could not help but laugh at firebrand's retaliation, such a pathetic attempt from the conqueror of the realm. "don't think i will. i'm quite content right now."
A Friendly Sparring Match, Part 1
He managed to block those, but by the time he was swinging a cross to retaliate, eira had already spun around and ducked.
Lust at Sea
He screamed when he finally recovered enough to punch derek's muzzle in retaliation, sending the cat into a chest of drawers next to the head of the bed.
.338 Calibur Justice: Chapter 1 - The Riddler Who Solved The Riddle
Before ryan could retaliate, a red pickup jumped into their lane from the next intersection down and began to speed up way beyond the limit.